Aliens: Fireteam Elite reviewed on PC by Kyle Campbell. Also available on Xbox and PlayStation. Aliens: Fireteam Elite does enough right to be plenty …
Aliens: Fireteam Elite reviewed on PC by Kyle Campbell. Also available on Xbox and PlayStation. Aliens: Fireteam Elite does enough right to be plenty …
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WTF is with the edgy background music? Why is he expressing the review like he's just reading a script without having played it?
All these hairless arms…are the marines waxing their arm before going to slaughter?
Kyle sounds like he is recording this in his attic bedroom at 3am, with a Sony tape recorder and a single desk lamplight. All the while his grandparents are grinding out their 2nd marathon in bed just downstairs.
The reviewer sounds so unenthusiastic and muffled lmao.
The speaker, is that a working joe?
Wasn’t there going to be seasons with this game?
Get this reviewer a coffee
7 out of 10 again I'd still play it though
He would sound more excited reviewing Barbie's Dream House on Nintendo Wii.
You mentioned the wrong Sci-fi Director……Not JAMES CAMERON'S ALIENS ?…..It's RIDLEY SCOTT…..We all make mistakes…Hope you'll edit the intro
Is there a mode 2 play as the aliens?
this screams f2p in a years time to me
This guy cured my insomnia
Your review of Alien isolation is the biggest joke ever! You should have an award for that one.
In space, no one can hear you review games.
So since IGN gave Alien Isolation a 5.9, I’m assuming this game is better since y’all gave it a 7? ?
Came to comments to look for actual conversation about game. But instead everything talks about the voice of reviewer…
This guy's voice makes me wanna kill myself.
Kinda dissapointing…its like 3Rd person Lef4dead with Aliens.
And that price??Gezz…
He is reading a script.
Is it just me or does this feel like a third person Alien Swarm game?
I'd hate to hear what he sounds like if he wins the lottery
Hopefully they keep updating this game because it could be a very great game
Why isn’t ANYONE commenting on the important part: The REVIEWER??
I’ll stick with A:CM Bug Hunt mode which is actually really great
damn…was really looking forward to this.
Camera movement look stiff and this game will be dead in two weeks.
Hats off to IGN for having a Weyland Yutani android review an Aliens game!
Does this have offline?
So these stealthy aliens all charge you head first with no regard for cover or concealment? No flanking? No tactics?? These are just glorified zombies
The person reviewing this game is like listening to Valium .
“He doesn’t like the cornbread either”?
Why would he be enthusiastic about a game he's giving a 7? His tone matches his opinion on the game. Meh
Never let Kyle Campbell review a game again.
It's a game to play with friends, we don't have any friends. 1/10
I’m turning this off after 2:24, this guy seems like a fanboy, and possibly a psychopath
"Hello, after this review Im going to jump out of my office window"
why does this dude sound so bored lol
They're game reviewers not voice actors, chill out lol