Perfect Screenshots with DRONE CAMERA – Microsoft Flight Simulator

Perfect Screenshots with DRONE CAMERA - Microsoft Flight Simulator

The Drone Camera is unbelievably powerful and flexible, but takes a bit more effort than the simple External Camera. Here’s how you can best use it to take your …


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About the Author: quill18


  1. I usually use
    Windows Shift S
    Which opens a menu that you can use several types of partial screenshots, I like using the rectangle mode to make crisp, cropped pictures. It automatically copies the image to clipboard.
    EDIT: You mentioned this at the end of the video

  2. Thanks, I learned several things. By the way, also popular for drone mode is to hook up your xbox or ps4 (latter needs some mapping) and you can use those for intuitive drone flying.

  3. Very interesting video. I find once I've got the screenshot set up I press the Windows key + prt sc key together and it saves a picture in "This PC>Pictures>Screenshots " you can then open it in paint and edit it from there, ie save as jpg etc.

  4. I can't look around inside the plane the camera doesn't move around please I need help tell me what to do I think the problem is on the camera settings but I try everything it doesn't work..

  5. Great vid. Thx for the explanation! Question, not related to the camera, what is a good vfr map program to use w msfs 2020? I’d appreciate the help!

  6. Quill thank's a bunch for getting me hyped about MFS2020. I'm in love with the game! Nice, peaceful, and relaxing. I'm currently doing the first bush flight series in the Zlin Cub and I could use some pointers on setting elevator trim. I can't seem to find a position where the plane will keep constant speed and altitude. I can find a place where it will average the same altitude, but the plane will oscillate about 10-15KAS and 100-300ft elevation. Dafuq am I doing wrong? Also I've had to redo 2 legs so far because when I landed at the completion of the leg the game just wouldn't recognize that I'd completed my journey automatically. Is there a way to say 'hey I've arrived please verify this is the end of the scenario.' Are you aware if there will be additional training mission released? I'd really like training for ATC and IFR and starting from cold. If not maybe you could do a 'tutorial' series for us flight nubs?

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