IGN reviews Capcom’s latest action/adventure platformer Asura’s Wrath. Combining a creative art story and unique art style, Asura’s Wrath is like nothing you’ve …
IGN reviews Capcom’s latest action/adventure platformer Asura’s Wrath. Combining a creative art story and unique art style, Asura’s Wrath is like nothing you’ve …
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Is it even fair to call this a game? It's mostly long cutscenes and QTEs, even Quantric Dream games have more gameplay.
Capcom needs to make a second game
This game is so underrated
This game needs to be remastered
This game was a big let down
DLC ruined it for me
And everytime screen would go blacc durin cutscenes
Please make remastered of this game this is masterees peice
Anime: the game
So a 7 hour run time movie huh?! I’m in. Perfect for the Pandy
when it drops down to 5 bucks ill buy it …that's including dc and all
This game is on sale for $3.99 in the Microsoft store right now.
This game is definitely a 10/10 for me… Deserves a remaster (but with a little bit more gameplay tho)
If this game came out today, the femtards would be crying toxic masculinity.
This game is great but I do agree with this review sometimes it forgets to be interactive and most of the time you just watch. Asura is a badass though much powerfull then Kratos.
This game is like kid Icarus
Who killed chakravatin and cried
(Cried because asura died not chakravartin)
1:21 "Japanese Mythological! " …..oooo please…….
There are lots of references taken from Hindu Mythology…. Even the name Asura is a Sanskrit word….. Nd lots more
I have beet this game more then ones and everything she says is true
It really makes you feel like a overprtective dad.
Would rather have this as a tv show then a game
This game is pure art… design,soundtrack, fights , emotions
please make it on unreal engine 4 for current gen consoles