Bitcoin hit 1 trillion market cap this year. This has inspired some bitcoin operations to expand. The ban on mining in China has caused a mass exodus, and some …
What a waste of materials it kinda hurts my head?
$2 million/day. nice to know they have no concerns with worsening climate change and water shortages for profit.
This is absolutely disgusting…. on the verge of a climate disaster, and this is what we spend our energy on.
Please stop this
Of course no mention of renewable energy smh
I am really looking forward to the day, quantum computers create hashes within a fraction of a second. The plopping noise you will hear, are those bitcoin mines. And I hope it will happen as soon as possible. This mindless waste of energy is depressing.
i gotta pay 1100$ for a GPU because of this BS
So absurd
Who pays to solve these mathematical equations?
She looks like a crazy person, did she even blink once?
Until the USA cracks down on mining like China did. It's going to be an uphill battle for bitcoin
What a waste
Is it really 2 million a day??
this feels just like the whole NFT fad. a giant waste of energy
Bitcoin miners are real life captain planet villains. Somehow they make money by making pollution. They literally make nothing but pollution.
I love how they come to TEXAS the place where the power grid literally almost collapsed. Their issuing requests to lower power consumption… but nah, lets bitcoin mine.
God, so much energy wasted for absolutely nothing being produced.
Thx for burry my dream to build a low budget pc gaming ??
"Bitcoin mining uses more electricity than all TVs in America combined". Sounds like we should tell people to turn off their TVs then
This is an embarrassing waste of energy. The TX power grid has proven its fragility. You can not feel great about as a normal person living in TX.
8:18 not a word about cardano or vechain. Seriously.
2 million ÷ 120 workers =16,666… wonder how much these maintenance workers get paid a day
this makes me depressed realizing this is what the world is coming to
Actually insane. People are dying, starving, homeless, buy we funnel all this money and energy for virtual currency. Honestly it's sick.
And everybody wonders why we have a microchip shortage and cars can’t be produced ?
At least they don’t use graphics card
What is the point of "thinking green" when people waste so much energy on this crap.
What a waste of materials it kinda hurts my head?
$2 million/day. nice to know they have no concerns with worsening climate change and water shortages for profit.
This is absolutely disgusting…. on the verge of a climate disaster, and this is what we spend our energy on.
Please stop this
Of course no mention of renewable energy smh
I am really looking forward to the day, quantum computers create hashes within a fraction of a second.
The plopping noise you will hear, are those bitcoin mines.
And I hope it will happen as soon as possible. This mindless waste of energy is depressing.
i gotta pay 1100$ for a GPU because of this BS
So absurd
Who pays to solve these mathematical equations?
She looks like a crazy person, did she even blink once?
Until the USA cracks down on mining like China did. It's going to be an uphill battle for bitcoin
What a waste
Is it really 2 million a day??
this feels just like the whole NFT fad. a giant waste of energy
Bitcoin miners are real life captain planet villains. Somehow they make money by making pollution. They literally make nothing but pollution.
I love how they come to TEXAS the place where the power grid literally almost collapsed. Their issuing requests to lower power consumption… but nah, lets bitcoin mine.
God, so much energy wasted for absolutely nothing being produced.
Thx for burry my dream to build a low budget pc gaming ??
"Bitcoin mining uses more electricity than all TVs in America combined".
Sounds like we should tell people to turn off their TVs then
This is an embarrassing waste of energy. The TX power grid has proven its fragility. You can not feel great about as a normal person living in TX.
8:18 not a word about cardano or vechain. Seriously.
2 million ÷ 120 workers =16,666… wonder how much these maintenance workers get paid a day
this makes me depressed realizing this is what the world is coming to
Actually insane. People are dying, starving, homeless, buy we funnel all this money and energy for virtual currency. Honestly it's sick.
And everybody wonders why we have a microchip shortage and cars can’t be produced ?
At least they don’t use graphics card
What is the point of "thinking green" when people waste so much energy on this crap.