Hesitant to jump into Apple’s latest OS? Senior Associate Editor Matt Swider and Associate Editor Nick Pino talk about the ins, outs, and everything you need to …
Hesitant to jump into Apple’s latest OS? Senior Associate Editor Matt Swider and Associate Editor Nick Pino talk about the ins, outs, and everything you need to …
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Time to make a video on iOS 9 :))
First thing I noticed was my iPad locking up. Favorite feature, hmm buggy apps, shorter battery life, and locking up continously.
So my sister and her friend updated their iPhone 5 to iOS 8 and they said more than half of their photos got deleted. But her friend's photos were slowly coming back while my sister's photos didn't appear what so ever. So .. thats why i don't want to update on my iPhone 5
WRONG. Not the same default background, it has the purple-ish snowy one.
Fails and bugs of ios 8:
– it keeps asking my apple id password for icloud, itunes and appstore which i've typed many times. Almost each day its asking me ?
– when deleting photo's it doesn't delete them. It keeps them at least for 30 days ?
– all the apps are bigger in the appstore. So i can't see them in a straightline anymore with the iphone 5 ( only 3 till 4 apps next to each other ) instead of more.
– when playing vids and someone whatsapp me. I can't swipe it away. It blocks my screen with the message on top.
– Spotlight sends me selected commercials by internet.
– the whole icloud / healthkit and homekit doesn't give me a safety feeling. They just want more info of who you are. Its like i have to go threw a checklist before i can use a phone.
So no im not buying a iphone 6 and will go over to a android phone. Sorry
IOS 8 copied location sharing from windows phone which had it for ages.. Stuck it up you copy cats
OK. Minh thích iOS8 ung dung hay .nhung manh ai đưa giá iPhone 6 trên trời 50tr, 60tr lam mat đi huong hieu Apple bao Nam qua,sau 2thang iphon6 co gia ổn định ở viet Nam 16tr,17tr … Chuc Apple thanh cong tốt đep trên toan the gioi dang mong doi iphone6 trên tay cua moi người .
IPhone still playin catch up.
Haha ios 8 took so much stuff from android xD
Ios 8 well better than kikat
Pretty much all of my photos that were on my 5c got deleted… WTF!
My iPhone 5s is kinda glitchy getting the 6
its like watching a video form 2010 :I
Crap! Crashes, slows down and makes me feel like im running a nokia.
iOS 8 is taking up alot of my battery and my phone is a iphone 5s
first thing i noticed was lag on my ipod touch 5
WhatsApp have been doing 'Share Location' for a very long time and they did not require iOS 8 to achieve this. I have been using it for over a year now to get to my friends exactly where they are rather than following their directions and getting lost So this is nothing new at all.
Samsung did the messaging shortcuts a few weeks ago… Typical boring iphone. It should be listed in dictionary under "same shit different day"
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Ios 8 would be good if it doesn't require to much memory that us users do not have! Apple didn't think there