Terima kasih utk videonya Hanzen, sy baru beberpa kali nonton vidnya, jelas dan informatif. sy juga suda mencoba future bbrp kali menunggu di support lalu long dan TP di resisten lalu tuggu lagi di bawah, sy mau tanya utk membaca trend dan pattern flag sprti yg disebut di video apakah harus daily chart? dan apakah ada patokan brp persen koreksi sampai bs dikatakan flag pattern? maaf pertanyaan newbie ya hehe.
kapan allcoin seosen
hallo Hanzen Lo si orang baik, saya jadikan analisa anda sebagai perbandingan analisa yg saya lakukan sendiri..bnyk informasi dan trick yg saya dpt di channel ini.terima kasih telah ikut dlm mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, sehat selalu Hanzen Lo!
Terima Kasih,
Jangan lupa di like ?
Token yg bagus skrg clion, total suplay cuman 10jt coin bang
Masuk akal… Hahaha thks bang..
<There's no doubt in my mind that we are not only going bull, but BTC is going nuclear. A lot of people are wondering if now is a good time to buy because of where the price is at right now. I'd say it's outrightly wrong to just sit back hodl and wait maybe incur some losses along the line, that's a wrong mindset for an investor because as an investor finding ways to always increase and stack up more coins thereby making prof!ts should be the way of lifeThat being said, the market is still all about BTC at the moment and I’ll advise current investors and newbies to take advantage of Mavis Pang program, a pro trader who runs a training program for investors/newbies who lack understanding on how trading Bitcoin works, to help them recover loss from the crash and also accumulate more bitcoin, with his program i went from having 2.04btc to 8.3btc in just 7 weeks. You can reach Pang on T⊶E⊶L⊶E⊶G⊶R⊶A⊶M (@Mavisdan) let’s make the best of whatever we can…
Terima kasih bang sharingnya skrg gw udah bisa baca graf nya dikit2?
Baru coba future kemaren , langsung profit, nagih banget pengen lagi, tpi sabar tunggu moment
Trend is my best friend
Udah 45k
Bang btc naik kira² SFI ada prubahan buat naik gk.?
selalu gw like dan gak skip iklan
Terima kasih utk videonya Hanzen, sy baru beberpa kali nonton vidnya, jelas dan informatif. sy juga suda mencoba future bbrp kali menunggu di support lalu long dan TP di resisten lalu tuggu lagi di bawah, sy mau tanya utk membaca trend dan pattern flag sprti yg disebut di video apakah harus daily chart? dan apakah ada patokan brp persen koreksi sampai bs dikatakan flag pattern? maaf pertanyaan newbie ya hehe.
kapan allcoin seosen
hallo Hanzen Lo si orang baik, saya jadikan analisa anda sebagai perbandingan analisa yg saya lakukan sendiri..bnyk informasi dan trick yg saya dpt di channel ini.terima kasih telah ikut dlm mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, sehat selalu Hanzen Lo!
Terima Kasih,
Jangan lupa di like ?
Token yg bagus skrg clion, total suplay cuman 10jt coin bang
Masuk akal… Hahaha thks bang..
<There's no doubt in my mind that we are not only going bull, but BTC is going nuclear. A lot of people are wondering if now is a good time to buy because of where the price is at right now. I'd say it's outrightly wrong to just sit back hodl and wait maybe incur some losses along the line, that's a wrong mindset for an investor because as an investor finding ways to always increase and stack up more coins thereby making prof!ts should be the way of lifeThat being said, the market is still all about BTC at the moment and I’ll advise current investors and newbies to take advantage of Mavis Pang program, a pro trader who runs a training program for investors/newbies who lack understanding on how trading Bitcoin works, to help them recover loss from the crash and also accumulate more bitcoin, with his program i went from having 2.04btc to 8.3btc in just 7 weeks. You can reach Pang on T⊶E⊶L⊶E⊶G⊶R⊶A⊶M (@Mavisdan) let’s make the best of whatever we can…
Terima kasih bang sharingnya skrg gw udah bisa baca graf nya dikit2?
Baru coba future kemaren , langsung profit, nagih banget pengen lagi, tpi sabar tunggu moment
Trend is my best friend
Udah 45k
Bang btc naik kira² SFI ada prubahan buat naik gk.?
Bang polkadot. Bulan ini kira kira naik gk ?
Thx infonya bang
Buy and buy sampe btc $50
Tq koh infonya .Gbu
Nice kak