ZeRo Joins Facebook Gaming – Exclusive announcement interview | ESPN ESPORTS

ZeRo Joins Facebook Gaming - Exclusive announcement interview | ESPN ESPORTS

The most successful Super Smash Bros. for Wii U player of all time Gonzalo “ZeRo” Barrios is the latest popular livestreamer to leave Twitch, as he announced …


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About the Author: ESPN Esports


  1. I've tried to gain a following on twitch and after 2 years… I've got about… 37. Tried to grow on YT (My gaming channel) and got a couple hundred over a few years… I just recently moved to FB Gaming… I have 140 followers in the past week. It allows me to build from my following on IG/FB already (4k and 5k) and interact with several groups too.

  2. Lol imagine hearing him say "come over on facebook gaming that's where I'll be streaming now" and like 20 people coming over

  3. Good for zero but personally this is less convenient for me. I watch streams on my tv a lot and I don't think there is any facebook live app. I'm used to the twitch app on my phone too ?. I'll just get used to it i guess

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