Get my new Bitcoin book: In this video, I discuss the latest attacks on Bitcoin buried deep within the new US …
WARNING: There are a number of scammers who are using my image and channel name to try to connect with my viewers on WhatsApp and other platforms to scam them. Just so you know, I will never refer you to "my personal trader" or try to connect with you personally to sell you something. I am banning these scammers as quickly as they pop up, but if you could report them to YouTube, it would be very helpful. You can always recognize a scammer by clicking on the image and seeing how many videos he has. All of these guys have zero videos, while I have hundreds. I also now have a checkmark next to my name, so that you can distinguish the real Trader University from the imposters.
S C U M O C R A T S ! ! !
Senator Pat Toomey is trying to change that bs in the bill
Bitcoin will never have any backers as it is a decentralized system That gives the the value of currency back to the people. A centralized system where governments dictate the value their imaginary dollar value will always be threatened as they will be able to inflate the currency by minting new dollars. Elizabeth warren believes in science until someone asks her about the law of thermodynamics. Once asked she will believe in pseudo science. A science that fits her political ideology.
Welcome back Matt!!
Im not exactly sure that even if the bill were to be passed states would have to follow. For instance Weed is illegal and states have it legalized. I am quoting Max Kaiser and I agree with him on the matter.
Remember when the internet was sales tax free ? long enough to ruin brick and mortar that was over regulated, with the then unregulated internet… and it ran long enough such that the money takers started to worry about the loss of revenue and then eventually taxed internet commerce to make up the difference ? These are the criminals we are dealing with….
They aren't going to give up without a fight.
Criminals will always fight for their best interests.
If you don't do the same, they will win.
Okay, so I just drafted and sent a letter to my two CA senators. Maybe this will help keep my two cents worth from eroding to a penny.
Thanks Matt, I just contacted both my Senators and my Representative!
I don’t think the banks necessarily want bitcoin gone. They want to do like lawyers and make something simple much more complicated than it needs to be so that they are required for handling of all transactions and therefore get a piece of the pie.
The notion that bitcoin is a threat is borderline delusional if it ever becomes a threat it will cease to exist somehow people still think its possible for a currency to exist the government does not want to exist. Maybe you can't block it entirely from the web but you can ban any form of exchange and once you can not buy goods and services with your bits and bytes it becomes completely worthless. Quite frankly mining bans will come any currency that does not go proof of stake will die. Because carbon reduction targets make it impossible to ignore crypto currencies. The idea that a virtual coin is worth more then actual assets is dumb to begin crypto can not solve the problem of fiat money. Because just like fiat money there are no actual assets underwriting the coins.
I think this will all come to a head once people start to widely transact with crypto. They will start scrambling to find any way to tax it.
Cyber Polygon & a major internet shutdown could put BTC at risk.
Matt, would you recommend just sending all of your btc to a cold wallet as a solution to this?
I would like to see the recently formend miner council as well as the crypto industry as a whole, to take legal actions agains this bill.
I will definitely be writing my senators. Even though they are both lefty progressives in lock-step with Senator Warren. It's still worth a try.
Feel free to use responsibly and edit appropriately if you decide to reach out to your Rep. "As a voter and investor in the emerging crypto industry the current "broker" language is too vague and requires more specific language to clearly identity who is and is not a "broker." Firms like Coinbase, Gemini, Binance US, etc. are clearly brokers. However, if the vague language is left as is, the effects would be dire for US crypto miners, network maintainers, and tax revenue. Recently the CCP shut down mining operations in China and we are benefitting via those miners moving operations to our cities and regions. Thus, not improving the "broker" definition with specific language would threaten our gain, resemble CCP practices, and put the US at a distinct disadvantage with regard to the nascent, exponentially growing, and wealth generating crypto industry. Please review this topic and the "broker" language further. I believe in regulation, but I don't want to see vague regulatory language, in a new and global paradigm, handicap the US.
Thank you for your time and best regards."
“We are the UN. Lower your shields and surrender your rights. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service Us. Resistance is Futile.”
Welcome back. Always enjoy your videos.
<?I admire the efforts you put in your videos mate. Digital currencies continues to reshape the world globally, it's hard for anyone going against them these days. Though from a trader's perspective I feel we really need more experts in the field updating newbies on how the community works. Crypto currencies are gradually moving towards something big and the price dip over the past few days is just the beginning of greater things to come ironically though. lots of persons are sceptical on when to buy-in the market and whether it isn't too late to buy an asset, when you're holding it could be but when trading its never too late to buy. A trader with the right strategy and indicators earns big regardless of market price (bulls or bears). I trade using signals from trade expert Timothy Chueng Trading Signals, with his guide and signal service i've made over 8BTC worth of crypto assets over some months with an estimate of 2.5BTC as a start. You can easily get to Timothy on ᴛᴇʟᴇɢʀᴀᴍ [ @TimChueng ]. Cheers! I personally think most experts aren’t being transparent enough, let the discussion begin.?>
If one good thing came out of the last election cycle, it's that enough people saw through Warren. She is now doing the bidding of the corrupt people she made her name pretending to stand against,
This is a sad video. I will be holding nonetheless until my untimely demise
Great to have you back Matt! Hope you had a great vacation
if that bill passes with most of that corrupt dunce inspired shit in it, i smell 'sanctions' in the pipeline for nations who allow citizens to operate nodes. rogue state usa.
It's ok if no more BTC could be mined. Buyers can make me an offer. Of course, my price just went up.
If the U.S. wants to ban bitcoin, they can also ban any future tax revenue they get from us.
welcome back-your show was missed.
This nation has hit many proverbial icebergs and never sank.
It's sinks when the day comes that Americans decide they're too good to fight for their inherent rights.
When they sit in the midst of their riches and say, "I'm too good for this political nonsense, I have all the money I want, I'll just sip my coffee while it burns"
Absolute cowardice.
We all disclose how much Bitcoin we own and pay a tax on it. That's where this is heading. Ask Michael Saylor who is in favor of this Bitcoin property tax idea.
Elizabeth Warren native American? ??
Satoshi we love you! Hodl is my middle name ?
She is a bonafide scam artist so she is basically projecting herself. Boomers are the only ones that fall for that BS line she uses.
I got unsubbed from your channel randomly, what the heck
Glad to see you’re back, your content makes HODLing easier everyday.
A new word: Cantillonaire!
Oh yeah, gotta stay away from those shadowy super-coders and trust those shadowy bankers and gov. official.
How the he'll can open source code be "shadowy". Projecting much? The existing financial system is shadowy and opaque.
Heeeee’s back!!!
How about a refresher video about getting BTC off the exchanges and into a Trevor?
Sorry folks but this is why I've warned about crypto. I like crypto but the Gov will shut it down and you all will lose money. Please get out now and go back to stocks.
WARNING: There are a number of scammers who are using my image and
channel name to try to connect with my viewers on WhatsApp and other
platforms to scam them. Just so you know, I will never refer you to
"my personal trader" or try to connect with you personally to sell you
something. I am banning these scammers as quickly as they pop up, but
if you could report them to YouTube, it would be very helpful. You can
always recognize a scammer by clicking on the image and seeing how
many videos he has. All of these guys have zero videos, while I have
hundreds. I also now have a checkmark next to my name, so that you can distinguish the real Trader University from the imposters.
S C U M O C R A T S ! ! !
Senator Pat Toomey is trying to change that bs in the bill
Bitcoin will never have any backers as it is a decentralized system That gives the the value of currency back to the people. A centralized system where governments dictate the value their imaginary dollar value will always be threatened as they will be able to inflate the currency by minting new dollars. Elizabeth warren believes in science until someone asks her about the law of thermodynamics. Once asked she will believe in pseudo science. A science that fits her political ideology.
Welcome back Matt!!
Im not exactly sure that even if the bill were to be passed states would have to follow. For instance Weed is illegal and states have it legalized. I am quoting Max Kaiser and I agree with him on the matter.
Remember when the internet was sales tax free ? long enough to ruin brick and mortar that was over regulated, with the then unregulated internet… and it ran long enough such that the money takers started to worry about the loss of revenue and then eventually taxed internet commerce to make up the difference ? These are the criminals we are dealing with….
They aren't going to give up without a fight.
Criminals will always fight for their best interests.
If you don't do the same, they will win.
Okay, so I just drafted and sent a letter to my two CA senators. Maybe this will help keep my two cents worth from eroding to a penny.
Thanks Matt, I just contacted both my Senators and my Representative!
I don’t think the banks necessarily want bitcoin gone. They want to do like lawyers and make something simple much more complicated than it needs to be so that they are required for handling of all transactions and therefore get a piece of the pie.
The notion that bitcoin is a threat is borderline delusional if it ever becomes a threat it will cease to exist somehow people still think its possible for a currency to exist the government does not want to exist. Maybe you can't block it entirely from the web but you can ban any form of exchange and once you can not buy goods and services with your bits and bytes it becomes completely worthless. Quite frankly mining bans will come any currency that does not go proof of stake will die. Because carbon reduction targets make it impossible to ignore crypto currencies. The idea that a virtual coin is worth more then actual assets is dumb to begin crypto can not solve the problem of fiat money. Because just like fiat money there are no actual assets underwriting the coins.
I think this will all come to a head once people start to widely transact with crypto. They will start scrambling to find any way to tax it.
Cyber Polygon & a major internet shutdown could put BTC at risk.
Matt, would you recommend just sending all of your btc to a cold wallet as a solution to this?
I would like to see the recently formend miner council as well as the crypto industry as a whole, to take legal actions agains this bill.
I will definitely be writing my senators. Even though they are both lefty progressives in lock-step with Senator Warren. It's still worth a try.
Feel free to use responsibly and edit appropriately if you decide to reach out to your Rep.
"As a voter and investor in the emerging crypto industry the current "broker" language is too vague and requires more specific language to clearly identity who is and is not a "broker." Firms like Coinbase, Gemini, Binance US, etc. are clearly brokers. However, if the vague language is left as is, the effects would be dire for US crypto miners, network maintainers, and tax revenue. Recently the CCP shut down mining operations in China and we are benefitting via those miners moving operations to our cities and regions. Thus, not improving the "broker" definition with specific language would threaten our gain, resemble CCP practices, and put the US at a distinct disadvantage with regard to the nascent, exponentially growing, and wealth generating crypto industry. Please review this topic and the "broker" language further. I believe in regulation, but I don't want to see vague regulatory language, in a new and global paradigm, handicap the US.
Thank you for your time and best regards."
“We are the UN. Lower your shields and surrender your rights. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service Us. Resistance is Futile.”
Welcome back. Always enjoy your videos.
<?I admire the efforts you put in your videos mate. Digital currencies continues to reshape the world globally, it's hard for anyone going against them these days. Though from a trader's perspective I feel we really need more experts in the field updating newbies on how the community works. Crypto currencies are gradually moving towards something big and the price dip over the past few days is just the beginning of greater things to come ironically though. lots of persons are sceptical on when to buy-in the market and whether it isn't too late to buy an asset, when you're holding it could be but when trading its never too late to buy. A trader with the right strategy and indicators earns big regardless of market price (bulls or bears). I trade using signals from trade expert Timothy Chueng Trading Signals, with his guide and signal service i've made over 8BTC worth of crypto assets over some months with an estimate of 2.5BTC as a start. You can easily get to Timothy on ᴛᴇʟᴇɢʀᴀᴍ [ @TimChueng ]. Cheers! I personally think most experts aren’t being transparent enough, let the discussion begin.?>
If one good thing came out of the last election cycle, it's that enough people saw through Warren. She is now doing the bidding of the corrupt people she made her name pretending to stand against,
This is a sad video. I will be holding nonetheless until my untimely demise
Great to have you back Matt! Hope you had a great vacation
if that bill passes with most of that corrupt dunce inspired shit in it, i smell 'sanctions' in the pipeline for nations who allow citizens to operate nodes.
rogue state usa.
It's ok if no more BTC could be mined. Buyers can make me an offer. Of course, my price just went up.
If the U.S. wants to ban bitcoin, they can also ban any future tax revenue they get from us.
welcome back-your show was missed.
This nation has hit many proverbial icebergs and never sank.
It's sinks when the day comes that Americans decide they're too good to fight for their inherent rights.
When they sit in the midst of their riches and say, "I'm too good for this political nonsense, I have all the money I want, I'll just sip my coffee while it burns"
Absolute cowardice.
We all disclose how much Bitcoin we own and pay a tax on it. That's where this is heading. Ask Michael Saylor who is in favor of this Bitcoin property tax idea.
Elizabeth Warren native American? ??
Satoshi we love you!
Hodl is my middle name ?
She is a bonafide scam artist so she is basically projecting herself. Boomers are the only ones that fall for that BS line she uses.
I got unsubbed from your channel randomly, what the heck
Glad to see you’re back, your content makes HODLing easier everyday.
A new word: Cantillonaire!
Oh yeah, gotta stay away from those shadowy super-coders and trust those shadowy bankers and gov. official.
How the he'll can open source code be "shadowy". Projecting much? The existing financial system is shadowy and opaque.
Heeeee’s back!!!
How about a refresher video about getting BTC off the exchanges and into a Trevor?
Sorry folks but this is why I've warned about crypto. I like crypto but the Gov will shut it down and you all will lose money. Please get out now and go back to stocks.
bitcoiners shitcoiners
hating this bill