Taking a look at the Halo Infinite Beta, or Technical Preview weekend, and all of the maps available during the event. This includes the three 4 v 4 bot maps Live …
Taking a look at the Halo Infinite Beta, or Technical Preview weekend, and all of the maps available during the event. This includes the three 4 v 4 bot maps Live …
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Tried to put together a collection of my better moments on each map, and my best firing range run. That footage, as a note, is 1080p because I play at a lower resolution on my main monitor to get 360hz uncapped. Granted I probably don't take advantage of all that, but it definitely makes a difference in my accuracy. I hope you like those grapple kills and enjoyed this and my preview this weekend! -Destin
(Note: Preview Here if you missed it. tldr: Halo Game is Good Game. Me lIke to play) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWN8pIc_eZU&t=52s
Alright these AI announcements are actually really annoying. Gonna be turning that off forever.
thjis game is slowly dying
Big question can you boost dodge still or is that gone????
Lookin great!
"Playing a halo game really makes you feel like a gamer" -IGN 2021
If this game was called anything else…nobody would look at it twice.
is it just me or do the explosions look pretty lame
Not bad
Not a fan of the talking AI and some of the dialogue. Immediate way to take me out of the immersion is: WE LOST A TEAMMATE!
Whats with that weak as voice.
wtf the game look like on mobile game
is this the next gen really ?
Wow he murdered those bots
4:53 the bot was finally learned teabagging.
I've only been getting 15 – 30fps on my xbox one, it's not nice
This looks fantastic, everything looks satisfying to use and sounds great. That AI talking though is going to get annoying real fast.
That sniper though omg
Looks like cod reskin. Graphics from 2014, trying to go esports .
Teardrop needs to shut up lol.
Слишком много надо попадать в противника, очередями по три патрона. Выглядит бой тяжеловато, персонаж двигается неуклюже.
Where's the flying vehicles and why not put moving obstacles and monsters
10/10, cured my sleep paralysis?
Anyone notice how "off" the explosions look? Love everything else as a die hard halo fan but the explosion effects look a little 2D, little weak.
This isnt 2001 anymore, boring and dated.
Apex legends looks more engaging than this.
Idk but the environment just looks sooo dead
feels like doom 2016 multiplayer
This genuinely is the 1st time I've felt like this since Halo 3 days..
I'm so impressed with the execution
Microsoft made the right decision to delay Halo, last year. It looks so much better now.
Why are enemies and allies both blue?
Is this the new Fortnite season?
are the melee at the end of the grapple animation to enemy players automatic or manual?
Call of Duty: Halo Edition. Even the fake hype wont work.
No scope kill while scoping, that's a first. Anything goes to make the player feels like he is awesome.
now put it on ps5
That sidekick looks and sounds very satisfying.
Spartan charge and Spartan slam are missing
In know now why Sony is number 1 And Microsoft last place in the world of vidéo game ?
Looks cheap And very bad compare to 95 % exclus Sony ps4-ps5