Pokemon Unite reviewed by Sam Stewart on Nintendo Switch, also coming to IOS and Android in 2021. This mobile Pokemon MOBA can be fun, but it’s …
Pokemon Unite reviewed by Sam Stewart on Nintendo Switch, also coming to IOS and Android in 2021. This mobile Pokemon MOBA can be fun, but it’s …
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How to download this game?
How about next time you get a narrator who doesn't micro-dose Ambien
Better than league of legends
Stop being so quick to call it a cash grab… its a free game and you still unlock characters by just playing the game
dude probably get called by his boss to wake up at 6am and did this review, without blushing his teeth
This looks like mobile legend in disguise of pokemon
Looks fun
Excellent Review, I’ma try playing this cause of you ?
When it will be released?
Let me save you since iv been playing the game from day 1….stay away from ranked unless you know who you are playing with other then that its a fun free to play game
Just play ML instead
If you don't spend any money it's fine. To have a moba on the switch is pretty nice.
Teribble MOBA imagine spending money for hero
Dudes voice blows
Pokemon not pushing the boundaries of the genre? Sounds about right.
Just allow Hirez to make Pokemon skin for Smite and get money when people buy those skins. Imagine Pikachu Zeus, Snorlax Kumbakarna, Rayquazar Kukulkan, Charmander/Charlizard Fafnir, Gyarados or Onix Jormungandr, Machamp Ganesha, Bulbasaur Sylvanus…
Stream-lining vs hiding info… yeah, that's a "running theme" with Pokemon in general, unfortunately.
Pokémon Impact
Damn people be hating this game so much that they’re sharing the hate
All those big criticisms and it still gets a 6 despite being so barebones? This is why IGN's scores constantly get mocked
Under the mayo…..is that you ??
wait there isanother pokemon game… wtf
pokemon is being like Cod now
Just waiting on the Diamond and Pearl remake
They make a cash grabbing over monetized game and yet we still don't have a third shadow pokemon game
This game is barely under ascent? Pokemon 6/10 and you're going to give ascent a 7? Something is wrong here.
I’ve never seen such a polarized comment section.
"Matches feel too similar"
Doesn't even mention the alternative maps in Quick Battles.
This is supposed to be a fun casual moba game, a stress reliever that is user friendly, although the game is super fun, the p2w items are ruining it, why not just make them not upgradable? Like runes in league.
The match time is getting shorter and shorter with every new moba coming out. The game is fast and fun. However, it’s a Tencent game, so always expect a cash grab and unbalance heroes(pokemons).
I'm pumped up at the start of the video, then feeling relaxed in the end. You got a soothing voice. ? Nice review
Fun when players know what they are doing and watch the map.
so it's crap ??
music tracks?
I'm having fun and haven't spent any money ppl just don't know how to grind
why is this so LoL alike?
who wants to play pokemon unite with me?
Yeah, let's not forget high elo meaning like veteran+ is almost impossible to play without a team because they went with a 5 man team up in competitive play. Which other mobas do not do most of the time for obvious reasons. Outside of actual tournaments and MLG games.
it is wut it iss
Will pokemon unite beat lolwr
61YRQXT … if ykyk