Let them quit. There are many people willing to work for Apple. People now feel so entitled, they actually believe that it is their "right" to work from home. With that said, I only blame the corporation for creating this atmosphere. This is a job people, go to work.
I have been working from home, and it's amazing. It saves me so much time, because i don't have to wake up 2 hours early to shower, get ready, cook breakfast and lunch, and then drive in the LA traffic for another hour, and it saves me one more hour of driving back home. I literally get 3 hours of my day back, and it's been great for me. I am not stressed, i get enough sleep, i am actually more productive now because i can get straight to work without all the other BS of getting to the office and dealing with stupid office politics, and it's nice being able to be with my family instead of seeing them for only couple hours in a day.
Need to stop normalizing isolation. Humans are social creatures that need to interact with one another. This is setting a dangerous precedent that's leaning too much into this. Personally, they need to get back to work and we all need to get back to what life used to be. We can't keep this up.
What the Apple employees who are threatening to leave don't get is that Apple can replace them easily and quickly. Fact!
The employers refused to recognize value in wages. When you do that your human work force abandons you. Ævar Ingi Pálsson is an Icelandic employer and a political party member. He said fear is the best device to use for governance. Its only a matter of time before he realizes one day his employees will leave him. And with the employees gone, maybe now Apple will see what happens when wages are no longer raised.
Is apple the best company to have on a resume ?
The push is just because of real estate everything else is bullshit!
I think "In-Person" iS VERY IMPORTANT !!! Not old fashion at all … the work is not the same at all .. You can do a day here and there but I agree with APPLE
In person is essential. Isolation is not good for the brain. Yes, you can video chat with people and still be isolated. It’s not the same as going out and interacting. That’s why people get all of these crazy ideas in their heads, they’re stuck in the house all the time. So, I’m going to go with apple on this one. Get people out of their heads and back to the office
Oh poor Tim, he doesn't want to be alone..
Guarantee a majority of the employees making these statements are well compensated individuals who have been there for years because I know many bright minds who would do anything to be apart of any tech giants fortresses!
Remote work is great for employees, it's terrible for management and overall productivity. Individual employees might be able to get their tasks done on their own at home, but the big picture function of a "company" can only flourish when teams are in the same space.
Not to mention, once work from home becomes the standard, just wait until the corporate penny pincher types realize they can just outsource these jobs to people at home in other countries for a fraction of the cost! These people are bitching their way out of their own jobs.. morons.
When you are at home, you make singular ideological decisions. When you're in the office, ideas come from your team… and those are ideas that you may not have come up with sitting at home in front of your computer. There is a lot to be said about talking to adults before and after meetings… As a Designer, I come up with so many ideas when talking to my teams, or making jokes after meetings, that spark ideas that become incredible ideas that blow away client expectations. Yes, you can do fine at home, but what I do at home can be done at work. But what happens at work, will be missed at home.
in person & face to face collaboration cannot be replaced by remote work collaboration – agreed in your home office you may be even more efficient doing stuff (and that does not count for everybody) – but developing new innovative solutions (hardware and software) collaboration needs to be in person as ideas and projects evolve more – then you have to consider the protection of IP rights etc . … I do understand apple
You guys talked for five minutes and didn't say anything of any note.
Just like their products…They want full control
I personally prefer to WFH… We don't wanna go to the messy city and deal with those rents, traffic etc
I bought a new apartment so that I can have an "office" at home. So if I'm still gonna spend hours travelling to office and my office at home is a waste of money now… I'm mad.
I agree with apple on one point (which happens not too often): Innovation is way up when you meet people in person. There is no framework around conversation (i.e. Zoom Meetings) and you can talk more "nonsense". But out of that nonsense often times the most innovative ideas come from. You joke around, entertain crazy ideas and often time these ideas do not seem so crazy anymore on further inspection = innovation
As long as management sets an example for their employees, the employees performance should match with the level of respect and attitude from management. Not dissing managers around the world or anything but treat your employees as coworkers and not another person you just work with or just talk to. Then you’ll see an improvement in the staff’s performance. And for employees, do your best but don’t push it either. Managers are the ones giving you direction or they should be. The workforce is brutal, and very rarely does your fellow coworkers or customers care what happens to throughout the day. Work is not fun nor exciting but it’s what most of us have to do to live, to eat, to do anything at all. Respect each other and please respect the world everyone, there’s only one Earth and everybody is human regardless what machine they use.
I’m a software engineer. I work better at home, and at this point my lifestyle is revolving around working remote. All my commute time (which is 2 hours total) goes back into work, and I have less distractions. Our team productivity has gone up during covid. Why should we be forced to go back into the office if this is the case?
I now have better work life balance, get to get WAY more sleep, work out, and spend time with my family. 2 Hours daily taken for commuting really adds up. If I have to go back into the office, more than 1-2 days a week I’ll likely be searching for a new job.
I think people have gotten a little too comfortable staying at home, people should have known this was going to be temporary. Just like receiving unemployment and stimulus checks are temporary, it’s not permanent. Plus the spaceship looks beautiful would be a shame to see it abandoned or something.
A issue mentioned was about employees leaking critical information about the company because they “work from home”. First of all that has been happening already second, why do we have to go through all these background checks to get a job that in the end of the day the employer still doesn’t trust them at all. Might as well do away with the background check system too since no one can be trusted (clean background or not) anyway lol
Check out the novella called 'The Machine Stops' written 100 years ago by E.M.Forster. Its predicts we all live by ourselves at home and we communicate with each other by video conferencing. 'The Machine' (pre-empting the internet and Amazon perhaps) delivers everything to us at home. There's no need to venture out. Is that what we want?!
Apple can go fuck itself. They ruined the the bay area and helped to drive rents up and increase traffic. I don't miss my 1+ hour commute each way stuck in traffic with shitty drivers. I'm far more productive working from home, if apple doesn't like it they can go straight to hell, there are plenty of other companies out there to work for. Get on board Apple or get out.
All these people knew soon or later everything will go back to normal I don’t understand what they expected and if you don’t like their work conditions quit. It’s a private company they can run it as they please.
If Tim Cook wants all high/mid management back to office. Why these managers will allow their team work from home? Classic, if I don't get the benefit, none of my team should enjoy, lol.
Mac: Heads over to Apple Apple it’s time to have a little chat T.T
Apple: I don’t wanna :/
Mac: You don’t have a choice honey now these employees have already sent in a letter and you still want peeps back in office and now they r quitting because of your silly selfish desires. T.T
Apple: I know I’m trying super duper extra hard to work out this madness of course Timmy is kinda stubborn n he wants dem in office for a couple of days T.T
Mac: Well now you don’t have much of a choice but to start listening and learning how to resist and refuse Tim Cook and be more understanding of other people’s circumstances and reasons otherwise you will end up losing respect and somehow this will become the downfall of your company do u want that to happen to you Apple? T.T
Apple: No V.V
Mac: Then you know what to do good luck dear T.T
Apple: Yup Thks mother T.T
Long before COVID, I knew we were wasting time commuting. COVID proved my theory. Today, they want you to return because of their real estate and the mentality that they need to see people working..
i have be developing a video game and a app for 3 years with my team and none of us live in the same country. I absolutely love it, and it works just fine. Apple can save alot of money letting people work from home. it can be done. Zoom, google meets can get the job done on the software side. But if your doing hardware most likely you'll need to be inside.
TRAFFIC is why. 2h of your life lost in a vehicle in traffic.
No one can design a Hardware remotely. Your entire lab and equipement , test boards , actual machine hardware etc … how can you do it over slack?
Let them quit. There are many people willing to work for Apple. People now feel so entitled, they actually believe that it is their "right" to work from home. With that said, I only blame the corporation for creating this atmosphere. This is a job people, go to work.
I have been working from home, and it's amazing. It saves me so much time, because i don't have to wake up 2 hours early to shower, get ready, cook breakfast and lunch, and then drive in the LA traffic for another hour, and it saves me one more hour of driving back home. I literally get 3 hours of my day back, and it's been great for me. I am not stressed, i get enough sleep, i am actually more productive now because i can get straight to work without all the other BS of getting to the office and dealing with stupid office politics, and it's nice being able to be with my family instead of seeing them for only couple hours in a day.
Need to stop normalizing isolation. Humans are social creatures that need to interact with one another. This is setting a dangerous precedent that's leaning too much into this. Personally, they need to get back to work and we all need to get back to what life used to be. We can't keep this up.
What the Apple employees who are threatening to leave don't get is that Apple can replace them easily and quickly. Fact!
The employers refused to recognize value in wages. When you do that your human work force abandons you. Ævar Ingi Pálsson is an Icelandic employer and a political party member. He said fear is the best device to use for governance. Its only a matter of time before he realizes one day his employees will leave him. And with the employees gone, maybe now Apple will see what happens when wages are no longer raised.
Is apple the best company to have on a resume ?
The push is just because of real estate everything else is bullshit!
I think "In-Person" iS VERY IMPORTANT !!! Not old fashion at all … the work is not the same at all .. You can do a day here and there but I agree with APPLE
In person is essential. Isolation is not good for the brain. Yes, you can video chat with people and still be isolated. It’s not the same as going out and interacting. That’s why people get all of these crazy ideas in their heads, they’re stuck in the house all the time. So, I’m going to go with apple on this one. Get people out of their heads and back to the office
Oh poor Tim, he doesn't want to be alone..
Guarantee a majority of the employees making these statements are well compensated individuals who have been there for years because I know many bright minds who would do anything to be apart of any tech giants fortresses!
Remote work is great for employees, it's terrible for management and overall productivity. Individual employees might be able to get their tasks done on their own at home, but the big picture function of a "company" can only flourish when teams are in the same space.
Not to mention, once work from home becomes the standard, just wait until the corporate penny pincher types realize they can just outsource these jobs to people at home in other countries for a fraction of the cost! These people are bitching their way out of their own jobs.. morons.
When you are at home, you make singular ideological decisions. When you're in the office, ideas come from your team… and those are ideas that you may not have come up with sitting at home in front of your computer. There is a lot to be said about talking to adults before and after meetings… As a Designer, I come up with so many ideas when talking to my teams, or making jokes after meetings, that spark ideas that become incredible ideas that blow away client expectations. Yes, you can do fine at home, but what I do at home can be done at work. But what happens at work, will be missed at home.
in person & face to face collaboration cannot be replaced by remote work collaboration – agreed in your home office you may be even more efficient doing stuff (and that does not count for everybody) – but developing new innovative solutions (hardware and software) collaboration needs to be in person as ideas and projects evolve more – then you have to consider the protection of IP rights etc . … I do understand apple
You guys talked for five minutes and didn't say anything of any note.
Just like their products…They want full control
I personally prefer to WFH… We don't wanna go to the messy city and deal with those rents, traffic etc
I bought a new apartment so that I can have an "office" at home.
So if I'm still gonna spend hours travelling to office and my office at home is a waste of money now… I'm mad.
I agree with apple on one point (which happens not too often): Innovation is way up when you meet people in person. There is no framework around conversation (i.e. Zoom Meetings) and you can talk more "nonsense". But out of that nonsense often times the most innovative ideas come from. You joke around, entertain crazy ideas and often time these ideas do not seem so crazy anymore on further inspection = innovation
As long as management sets an example for their employees, the employees performance should match with the level of respect and attitude from management. Not dissing managers around the world or anything but treat your employees as coworkers and not another person you just work with or just talk to. Then you’ll see an improvement in the staff’s performance. And for employees, do your best but don’t push it either. Managers are the ones giving you direction or they should be. The workforce is brutal, and very rarely does your fellow coworkers or customers care what happens to throughout the day. Work is not fun nor exciting but it’s what most of us have to do to live, to eat, to do anything at all. Respect each other and please respect the world everyone, there’s only one Earth and everybody is human regardless what machine they use.
I’m a software engineer. I work better at home, and at this point my lifestyle is revolving around working remote. All my commute time (which is 2 hours total) goes back into work, and I have less distractions. Our team productivity has gone up during covid. Why should we be forced to go back into the office if this is the case?
I now have better work life balance, get to get WAY more sleep, work out, and spend time with my family. 2 Hours daily taken for commuting really adds up. If I have to go back into the office, more than 1-2 days a week I’ll likely be searching for a new job.
I think people have gotten a little too comfortable staying at home, people should have known this was going to be temporary. Just like receiving unemployment and stimulus checks are temporary, it’s not permanent.
Plus the spaceship looks beautiful would be a shame to see it abandoned or something.
A issue mentioned was about employees leaking critical information about the company because they “work from home”. First of all that has been happening already second, why do we have to go through all these background checks to get a job that in the end of the day the employer still doesn’t trust them at all. Might as well do away with the background check system too since no one can be trusted (clean background or not) anyway lol
Check out the novella called 'The Machine Stops' written 100 years ago by E.M.Forster. Its predicts we all live by ourselves at home and we communicate with each other by video conferencing. 'The Machine' (pre-empting the internet and Amazon perhaps) delivers everything to us at home. There's no need to venture out. Is that what we want?!
Apple can go fuck itself. They ruined the the bay area and helped to drive rents up and increase traffic. I don't miss my 1+ hour commute each way stuck in traffic with shitty drivers. I'm far more productive working from home, if apple doesn't like it they can go straight to hell, there are plenty of other companies out there to work for. Get on board Apple or get out.
All these people knew soon or later everything will go back to normal I don’t understand what they expected and if you don’t like their work conditions quit. It’s a private company they can run it as they please.
If Tim Cook wants all high/mid management back to office. Why these managers will allow their team work from home? Classic, if I don't get the benefit, none of my team should enjoy, lol.
Mac: Heads over to Apple Apple it’s time to have a little chat T.T
Apple: I don’t wanna :/
Mac: You don’t have a choice honey now these employees have already sent in a letter and you still want peeps back in office and now they r quitting because of your silly selfish desires. T.T
Apple: I know I’m trying super duper extra hard to work out this madness of course Timmy is kinda stubborn n he wants dem in office for a couple of days T.T
Mac: Well now you don’t have much of a choice but to start listening and learning how to resist and refuse Tim Cook and be more understanding of other people’s circumstances and reasons otherwise you will end up losing respect and somehow this will become the downfall of your company do u want that to happen to you Apple? T.T
Apple: No V.V
Mac: Then you know what to do good luck dear T.T
Apple: Yup Thks mother T.T
Long before COVID, I knew we were wasting time commuting. COVID proved my theory. Today, they want you to return because of their real estate and the mentality that they need to see people working..
i have be developing a video game and a app for 3 years with my team and none of us live in the same country. I absolutely love it, and it works just fine. Apple can save alot of money letting people work from home. it can be done. Zoom, google meets can get the job done on the software side. But if your doing hardware most likely you'll need to be inside.
TRAFFIC is why.
2h of your life lost in a vehicle in traffic.
No one can design a Hardware remotely. Your entire lab and equipement , test boards , actual machine hardware etc … how can you do it over slack?
Apple: we care about the environment
Apple: drive to work more
Let them quit.
Since both sides are right.