If you are interested in bike accessories like bike padel, bike seat cover, bike panniers, etc. please comment below. We are professional sellers of outdoor products!
My fav accessory was the Oi Bell
Are we just going to ignore the giant flippin bump on that guys left shoulder at 11:06
Please bhai muje ya cycle da do plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz
Bicyclists need to respect traffic signs and laws so they can stop getting killed or hurt.
Beautiful bike
WTF ninja
the ninja was a joke… actually all of these gadgets are a joke..
Shitty lock? Hahhaa
At the moment I like Bikes and Motorcycles. Not saying that I won't buy a car but they are Affordable and less hassle
I was expecting to see a smart bike lock The seat lock is awsome product!
Seatylock cost more than my bicycle lol
Anybody who rides up between a moving vehicle and the curb, bike lane/laser or not, will get hit eventually. You have to ride smart even when you are right. Trying to pin the blame on someone won't matter as they lower you into the grave or slide you into the incinerator.
"Banana for scale" But some bananas are bigger than others
I have the Quad Lock Phone Mount, it's a good product, very sturdy, keeps the phone mounted securely.
Sorry to piggy back but do not buy anything from BikeDescent. They sell crap which is overpriced and are impossible to contact. The BikeDescent website is basically a device to rip us off.
That bell is pretty, but it doesn't sound very effective.
add a bike generator on the rear wheel and a battery operated drive wheel you get more speed an endurance on every ride the bike generator will run your mobilty electrics like headlamp with a lithum battery you could travel 30 miles at 40 mph.
Out of all the douchey products on this list, I have to admit that bike helmet seems pretty cool
Put some efforts into your videos. You don't just steal other people videos to put it in, that's copyright. At least do some voice over.
how do i get into this business of making amazon adverts and pretending to be a independent?
Quad Lock is Amazing! I have a mount on my road bike and mountain bike, but what’s crazier I took the tripod mount and attached it to a GoPro mouth mount with my iPhone 11 and now have a POV for my MTB on the fly, it’s so cool!
Most are gimmicky. Bell is cute.
5:43 wtf….the last thing I'd want to see is that freak when I'm already stranded
Interesting that there are a number of devices that make it possible to " take calls " while riding a bike. I guess some people need that but when I go riding, I don't want to be bothered by calls or anything, it's just me, the bike, the road and the scenery and I don't want anyone interrupting all that, you can call me after I get back home.
Can halo gadget play music
Buy American boycott China made products permanently! anybody ready for another CORONA
Ninja C = sexist. Could they have been any more sexist if they’d tried. Not all women are clueless about bikes and the general mechanics of one. To show a ‘lone, stranded and clueless’ female at the roadside needs some serious re-thinking and re-marketing I’d say ??
where did you get that jacket
Chores the ninja goes a bad joke about Doctor Who it's bigger on the inside
I commute in a big city on a bicycle and my biggest fear is exactly that cars turning in front of me cuz I do it all the time they sit in the crosswalk they look right at you and treat you like you don't exist and all these traffic cameras they have here in America on the intersections then you start handing out tickets for people sitting in the crosswalk and not sitting behind the line when they start doing that and giving tickets for not giving a ride away to bicycles that's when the people will stop dying from these accidents other than until then. Baseball batter crowbar and start smacking fenders and waking these people up cuz the dumb asses need to learn we have the right to live
2:24 but I watched another vid that said 40% from behind 40 + 79 ≠100
I have the Quadlock, THE BEST iPhone mount for bike period!have never had it dislodge or fall off on even the roughest dirt trails! Love it!
Just bought 2 radrovers and added a few essentials for ous in our recent ebike video review, watching this one now to get MORE ideas hehe.
Awesome collection. Wonder where to buy some of these…?
Blaze Light looks great, but at $160.00, there are other lights that will do as well and at 2/3 less!
Some nice products some not so for me.
wow that blackburn looks insanely useful
seaty lock..keeps your bike safe from your everyday sledgehammer weilding bimbos ? recomended by divorce lawyers worldwide
Imagine owning a bike with zipp carbon wheels and you had a seat city lock ??
Bike Bell is very creative, and pleasing design…excellent! (obvious…in hindsight…some of the best inventions are) Quadlock…way, way too expensive for me. Bring it down from ~$60 to $15 maximum and we'll talk. (note: I do not buy iPhones, iPad, etc, either…go figure).
Oh my God I guess we were just smarter and faster in the seventies we didn't need this crapp when I grew up??????
?Blaze Laserlight -? Bicycle Front Light? $150.Dollars? Good idea but way too expensive. ? I rather get ThorFire Led Bicycle Lights 1400LM?
Not Necessary .
Instead of projecting a laser, why not a simple torch with a powerful LED.
Most of these are useless
quad lock too expensive.. nice idea though
The dog in the background gave his opinion of the locking seat lol!
If you are interested in bike accessories like bike padel, bike seat cover, bike panniers, etc. please comment below. We are professional sellers of outdoor products!
My fav accessory was the Oi Bell
Are we just going to ignore the giant flippin bump on that guys left shoulder at 11:06
Please bhai muje ya cycle da do plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz plzz
Bicyclists need to respect traffic signs and laws so they can stop getting killed or hurt.
Beautiful bike
WTF ninja
the ninja was a joke… actually all of these gadgets are a joke..
Shitty lock? Hahhaa
At the moment I like Bikes and Motorcycles. Not saying that I won't buy a car but they are Affordable and less hassle
I was expecting to see a smart bike lock
The seat lock is awsome product!
Seatylock cost more than my bicycle lol
Anybody who rides up between a moving vehicle and the curb, bike lane/laser or not, will get hit eventually. You have to ride smart even when you are right. Trying to pin the blame on someone won't matter as they lower you into the grave or slide you into the incinerator.
"Banana for scale"
But some bananas are bigger than others
I have the Quad Lock Phone Mount, it's a good product, very sturdy, keeps the phone mounted securely.
Sorry to piggy back but do not buy anything from BikeDescent. They sell crap which is overpriced and are impossible to contact. The BikeDescent website is basically a device to rip us off.
That bell is pretty, but it doesn't sound very effective.
add a bike generator on the rear wheel and a battery operated drive wheel you get more speed an endurance on every ride the bike generator will run your mobilty electrics like headlamp with a lithum battery you could travel 30 miles at 40 mph.
Out of all the douchey products on this list, I have to admit that bike helmet seems pretty cool
Put some efforts into your videos. You don't just steal other people videos to put it in, that's copyright. At least do some voice over.
how do i get into this business of making amazon adverts and pretending to be a independent?
Quad Lock is Amazing! I have a mount on my road bike and mountain bike, but what’s crazier I took the tripod mount and attached it to a GoPro mouth mount with my iPhone 11 and now have a POV for my MTB on the fly, it’s so cool!
Most are gimmicky. Bell is cute.
5:43 wtf….the last thing I'd want to see is that freak when I'm already stranded
Interesting that there are a number of devices that make it possible to " take calls " while riding a bike. I guess some people need that but when I go riding, I don't want to be bothered by calls or anything, it's just me, the bike, the road and the scenery and I don't want anyone interrupting all that, you can call me after I get back home.
Can halo gadget play music
Buy American boycott China made products permanently! anybody ready for another CORONA
Ninja C = sexist. Could they have been any more sexist if they’d tried. Not all women are clueless about bikes and the general mechanics of one. To show a ‘lone, stranded and clueless’ female at the roadside needs some serious re-thinking and re-marketing I’d say ??
where did you get that jacket
Chores the ninja goes a bad joke about Doctor Who it's bigger on the inside
I commute in a big city on a bicycle and my biggest fear is exactly that cars turning in front of me cuz I do it all the time they sit in the crosswalk they look right at you and treat you like you don't exist and all these traffic cameras they have here in America on the intersections then you start handing out tickets for people sitting in the crosswalk and not sitting behind the line when they start doing that and giving tickets for not giving a ride away to bicycles that's when the people will stop dying from these accidents other than until then. Baseball batter crowbar and start smacking fenders and waking these people up cuz the dumb asses need to learn we have the right to live
2:24 but I watched another vid that said 40% from behind 40 + 79 ≠100
I have the Quadlock, THE BEST iPhone mount for bike period!have never had it dislodge or fall off on even the roughest dirt trails! Love it!
Just bought 2 radrovers and added a few essentials for ous in our recent ebike video review, watching this one now to get MORE ideas hehe.
Awesome collection. Wonder where to buy some of these…?
Blaze Light looks great, but at $160.00, there are other lights that will do as well and at 2/3 less!
Some nice products some not so for me.
wow that blackburn looks insanely useful
seaty lock..keeps your bike safe from your everyday sledgehammer weilding bimbos ? recomended by divorce lawyers worldwide
Imagine owning a bike with zipp carbon wheels and you had a seat city lock ??
Bike Bell is very creative, and pleasing design…excellent! (obvious…in hindsight…some of the best inventions are)
Quadlock…way, way too expensive for me. Bring it down from ~$60 to $15 maximum and we'll talk. (note: I do not buy iPhones, iPad, etc, either…go figure).
Oh my God I guess we were just smarter and faster in the seventies we didn't need this crapp when I grew up??????
?Blaze Laserlight -? Bicycle Front Light? $150.Dollars? Good idea but way too expensive. ? I rather get ThorFire Led Bicycle Lights 1400LM?
Not Necessary .
Instead of projecting a laser, why not a simple torch with a powerful LED.
Most of these are useless
quad lock too expensive.. nice idea though
The dog in the background gave his opinion of the locking seat lol!