ESPN Esports’ Tyler Erzberger and Ashley Kang discuss what should be an action-packed quarterfinal showdown between Damwon Gaming and G2 Esports …
ESPN Esports’ Tyler Erzberger and Ashley Kang discuss what should be an action-packed quarterfinal showdown between Damwon Gaming and G2 Esports …
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Ashley keeps hinting that Nuguri=Theshy
I think dwg has slight edge on topside vs g2. The botside depends whoever plays plays 2v3 or 3v2. If dwg camps Perkz, Nuguri breaks Wundee, then dwg will win. G2 should shut down Canyon and the botlane. The only reason DWG botlane is keeping it together is because of canyon, the mvp of DWG. Without that guy camping 24/7 botlane lol.. So yes dwg is really prepared to cover their weaknesses. They have strong solo lanes that can do fine lol except Nuguri vs TheShy. But as long as canyon camps bot, the lead won't be too much and DWG can get the lead thru bot. People think Nuclear is so good? Then watch LCK with more footage than Worlds ever has or his career in H2k. He almost threw vs IG and he was the old h2k adc who kept choking over and over again.
Korea is going to win all semifinals period. They are too good this year
mhm… mhm… mhm…. mhm…
Damwon easy win
Grf>ig dwg>g2 i think lck teams will win worlds
Dwg vs g2 and grf vs ig are so hard to predict. Personally think dwg has slight edge over g2 bc of strong top mid jg
Can you put the game at hand in the title thanks?
I can't tell what game it is.
Tyler Erzberger is the epitome of the dumpster fire espn esports is.
Well I havent seen DAMWON'S BOT LANE getting destroyed just like what you guys and alot of analyst is saying so idk