Top 5 Time-lapse Photography and Timelapse Video Gadget and Accessories

Time-lapse photography is a technique whereby the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the …


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About the Author: ZedIOptima


  1. Btw it’s “accessories” not ACCESSORRIES! 11 seconds in, my ears are bleeding from the intro and my eyes are telling me it ‘should’ get better from here. My minds not sold on that idea though…

  2. I want a camera set up I can leave outdoors to capture the those sky changing Vilans that are purposely changing the planets weather. Chemtrails. What's a good wide angle 10 sec interval timer camera.

  3. Awesome time lapse and gadgets you have there! They do cost a lot to buy all. I start to shoot time lapse recently. See my channel.
    I also shoot lots of planes takeoff/landing but find it hard to follow the planes without any shakes. Which pan/tilt devices you suggest for filming planes? I subbed!

  4. hard to understand how your claiming the pulse is a top 5, when it's not even released yet to the masses…even pre-orders haven't been sent out.

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