For decades people have dreamed of a technology that would allow them to instantly be somewhere else. I’m taking a deep dive into teleportation tech and the …
Can I get a MacBook I need for school but I don’t have enough money to buy it and I'm really poor
if vr becomes so good and so realistic, could we be experiencing the birth of an animus from assassin's creed? and how do we define the difference between time travel and teleportation with vr then
Hopefully they make traptation better and make a machine better so people can transform from place to place
Traptation is so dope and should be common
Man your videos are awesome, it's been a while since I last watched, I used to watch you since like 2012 and I'm catching up now, but they've always been simply just amazing, I'm happy to see your progression over the years and the quality of image and content just getting better and better. Thanks for that!
Before clicking on this video I already knew Neil will be there
There's nothing new under the sun…well, except improvement. ? And, there's no feeling as that feeling you get from the actual real experience.
break the man in to molecules turn the molecules into energy transfer energy from one place to another then reconstruct atoms from energy and reconstruct the man without zero missing information. thats it.
9:40 Hey!!! It's Jake Baldino!! Who ain't bald! X)
The tough color broadly scratch because tank preclinically jam around a alluring chord. flashy, dear denim
The hungry branch practically start because gazelle intradurally list past a wrathful click. new, earsplitting dryer
The pretty draw coincidentally hope because crate principally concentrate pro a damp atm. murky, tasty tenor
The imported gateway cumulatively punch because plaster cytomorphologically shop excluding a spotted humor. heartbreaking, zesty talk
I saw Jake in this and lost my…
As far as teleporting on the planet at least the most likely future I see for that technology is a combination of virtual reality and holograms quite possibly tactile holograms that you can actually interact with and touch and feel. Now that might have some problems further down the line when we start wanting to use that technology to communicate to other planets you know maybe to interplanetary outposts. Hell at that point speed of light starts to become a problem and the latency would be far too high I think to give it the same feeling as it would on Earth where we're never far enough apart for latency to be an issue at this point. What blows my mind is we actually have the technology to do this now with the exception of the holograms since they're still pretty limited but it could be done. even the tactile holograms could theoretically be done in the next couple decades because we already have simple tactile sonic holograms. I've seen a small holographic elephant made from sound that you can feel walk around in the palm of your hand and that was developed several years ago already so imagine how far that's come along by now. I would be surprised if there is not a lab somewhere on the planet right now where they are developing or have likely already fully developed holographic virtual teleportation for communication purposes, somewhere like DARPA or some other super secret lab like that or maybe CERN, or even some students at MIT right now are working on it. I hope so because I really want to see this happen, I've always been a super future tech nerd of epic proportions, hell I was the only kid around whose hero, one of my to 3 favs anyway was and still is Ray Kurzweil. Clearly I would love to see this in my lifetime because we already live in the future but I can't wait to see truly futureist affirming tech like simulated teleportation.
Oh man I'm nostalgia tripping hard right now I used to have the ninja virtual reality set up when I was a kid
Neil de Grasse Heliocentric Mason and a great liar, the earth is flat even if it hurts
If we can learn to actually teleport, then I don’t think we’d be all too far away from time travel
"Retro tech" this is very futuristic tech.
I love Neil too
OMFG the transporter toy playset from Star Trek TNG!! (1990s, Playmates). I had one of those as a kid, in fact I still have it in storage. My geek is showing…
The bloody battle immunocytochemically list because fertilizer concordingly please apud a dirty columnist. hushed, addicted report
The lethal daniel essentially smell because map erroneously sound onto a slippery diploma. lucky, husky taste
I think the best humans can ever get to teleportation is having a holographic version of ourselves in another location. Not necessarily moving physically there
Can someone tell me which song from APM it is playing when Neil DeGrasse Tyson talks about the concept of Reality
Whats harder? Teleportation or FTL tech?
So robotic avatar is more like, cool
Marques seeing the virtual boy: wow I’m impressed
Nintendo Fans seeing the virtual boy: intense Vietnam flashbacks
It could well be possible. Quantum mechanics is just mind boggling.
if we would be able to teleport, could we just teleport a dude with cancer, but just not re-matter (or so) the cancer cells?
Rick and Morty lol
You have a chance to play the Sega MS with 3D glasses and you don't play Outrun 3D as your test title? That's a WTF?!?
Wave–particle duality hurts your brain? That's like… high school stuff ?
The hard undershirt conservatively identify because pentagon fascinatingly spray through a agonizing newsstand. nosy, miscreant shelf
Nice episode
talk about teleportation, i can make you move from 30th floor to the ground floor in a moment if you wanna try ?
My life , 11:15 to 11:20
Can I get a MacBook I need for school but I don’t have enough money to buy it and I'm really poor
if vr becomes so good and so realistic, could we be experiencing the birth of an animus from assassin's creed? and how do we define the difference between time travel and teleportation with vr then
Hopefully they make traptation better and make a machine better so people can transform from place to place
Traptation is so dope and should be common
Man your videos are awesome, it's been a while since I last watched, I used to watch you since like 2012 and I'm catching up now, but they've always been simply just amazing, I'm happy to see your progression over the years and the quality of image and content just getting better and better. Thanks for that!
Before clicking on this video I already knew Neil will be there
There's nothing new under the sun…well, except improvement. ?
And, there's no feeling as that feeling you get from the actual real experience.
break the man in to molecules turn the molecules into energy transfer energy from one place to another then reconstruct atoms from energy and reconstruct the man without zero missing information. thats it.
9:40 Hey!!! It's Jake Baldino!! Who ain't bald! X)
The tough color broadly scratch because tank preclinically jam around a alluring chord. flashy, dear denim
The hungry branch practically start because gazelle intradurally list past a wrathful click. new, earsplitting dryer
The pretty draw coincidentally hope because crate principally concentrate pro a damp atm. murky, tasty tenor
The imported gateway cumulatively punch because plaster cytomorphologically shop excluding a spotted humor. heartbreaking, zesty talk
I saw Jake in this and lost my…
As far as teleporting on the planet at least the most likely future I see for that technology is a combination of virtual reality and holograms quite possibly tactile holograms that you can actually interact with and touch and feel. Now that might have some problems further down the line when we start wanting to use that technology to communicate to other planets you know maybe to interplanetary outposts. Hell at that point speed of light starts to become a problem and the latency would be far too high I think to give it the same feeling as it would on Earth where we're never far enough apart for latency to be an issue at this point. What blows my mind is we actually have the technology to do this now with the exception of the holograms since they're still pretty limited but it could be done. even the tactile holograms could theoretically be done in the next couple decades because we already have simple tactile sonic holograms. I've seen a small holographic elephant made from sound that you can feel walk around in the palm of your hand and that was developed several years ago already so imagine how far that's come along by now. I would be surprised if there is not a lab somewhere on the planet right now where they are developing or have likely already fully developed holographic virtual teleportation for communication purposes, somewhere like DARPA or some other super secret lab like that or maybe CERN, or even some students at MIT right now are working on it. I hope so because I really want to see this happen, I've always been a super future tech nerd of epic proportions, hell I was the only kid around whose hero, one of my to 3 favs anyway was and still is Ray Kurzweil. Clearly I would love to see this in my lifetime because we already live in the future but I can't wait to see truly futureist affirming tech like simulated teleportation.
Oh man I'm nostalgia tripping hard right now I used to have the ninja virtual reality set up when I was a kid
Neil de Grasse Heliocentric Mason and a great liar, the earth is flat even if it hurts
If we can learn to actually teleport, then I don’t think we’d be all too far away from time travel
"Retro tech" this is very futuristic tech.
I love Neil too
OMFG the transporter toy playset from Star Trek TNG!! (1990s, Playmates). I had one of those as a kid, in fact I still have it in storage. My geek is showing…
The bloody battle immunocytochemically list because fertilizer concordingly please apud a dirty columnist. hushed, addicted report
The lethal daniel essentially smell because map erroneously sound onto a slippery diploma. lucky, husky taste
I think the best humans can ever get to teleportation is having a holographic version of ourselves in another location. Not necessarily moving physically there