The market of helicopters is rather static and new models come out far from often. But regardless of the scarcity of latest releases we still managed to gather this lineup of newcomers, that are ready to take on various tasks, from short range city flights to dangerous rescue operations and military missions all over the globe.
Other exciting episodes that you might have missed on #AutomotiveTerritory:
Some of the smallest jet airplanes that currently exist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDrZWs8ZLIg
Helicopters featured in this episode of #ATflyingtransport series:
Amazing inventions that will bring us closer to having flying cars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ypjm9UFBqo
Bell V-280 Valor: bellflight.com/military/bell-v-280
As a part of the Future Vertical Lift Plan, that includes the development of a family of five differently sized military helicopters for the United States Armed Forces, Bell V-280 Valor was co-developed by Bell Helicopter and Lockheed Martin.
Airbus H160: airbus.com/helicopters/civil-helicopters/medium/h160.html
This helicopter was previously designated as X4 and is currently marketed as the successor of the Airbus’s existing model Eurocopter AS365 Dauphin.
Lockheed Martin S-97 RAIDER:.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/products/s-97-raider-helicopter.html
Lockheed Martin S-97 RAIDER is a high speed scout and attack compound helicopter is based on the Advancing Blade Concept and is planned to be offered to the United States Army’s Armed Aerial Scout program, along with other possible uses.
Sikorsky CH-53K Helicopter: lockheedmartin.com/en-us/products/sikorsky-ch-53k-helicopter.html
The CH-53K King Stallion is a heavy-lift cargo helicopter that is the largest and heaviest rotorcraft in service of the US marine corps.
Kmax Kaman: kaman.com/aerosystems/solutions/air-vehicles-mro/k-max
You might be familiar with Kmax since it was developed by the American company Kaman Aircraft all the way back in 1991 but was returned to production in 2015.
Airbus RACER: airbus.com/newsroom/press-releases/en/2017/06/Airbus-Helicopters-reveals-Racer-high-speed-demonstrator-configuration.html
Airbus RACER is a high speed technology demonstrator that will complete its first flight in 2020. The aircraft will be able to fly at 247 mph cruising speed and will achieve a 15 % decrease in fuel consumption per distance.
Kopter SH09: marenco-swisshelicopter.ch/
Kopter SH09 s a single engine utility helicopter with a maximum takeoff weight of 5800 lbs and a cruising speed of 160 mph. It is priced at $3.5 mil per unit and is scheduled to start sales in 2019.
SkyRyse: skyryse.com/about
SkyRyse a Sillicon Valley start-up that is developing autonomous VTOL aircrafts that will be used as flying taxis and cities’ first responders.
Scout Aero: scout.aero/
Scout Aero is a Ukrainian multi-purpose helicopter that is sold by the company directly and through its official representatives in the US and Australia. Each is priced at $195,000.
Sikorsky-Boeing SB1 Defiant: boeing.com/defense/future-vertical-lift/index.page
SB-1 Defiant is one more entry to the United States Army’s program, called Future Vertical Lift. It will be joining Bell V-280 Valor in the effort of creating a universal fleet of VTOL aircraft.
Bell FCX 001 Concept: bellflight.com/company/innovation/fcx-001
Bell FCX 001 Concept is a futuristic aircraft that was presented by Bell Helicopter in 2017 at Heli-Expo to show off the vision of upcoming VTOL machines.
V280 ??????????? is not an helicopter !!! it's like the F35, it's like the Harrier , a vertical takeoff plane!!
H160! QUE LINDO!!!
I like the tiltrotor concept!
dauphin re malaka, not dolphin. pfff
Lockheed Martin is not co-developing the V-280. They are competing against Bell for the FLRAA.
sick ass heli !
Airbus Helicopters are pretty much king of the hill, but man that CH53k is on a different level, that is my favorite.
How much is SkyRyse helicopter
Scout Aero ME INTERESA XQ! puedo comprarlo sin tener Q! vender el hígado Oh un riñón!!
Kako je. Nocas. Kod. Vas. A. Sta.
Ervin. Bezanija. Podgorica. Kod.
Tetke. Tamanmyje. Ovo. Stoga. Snade.
A. Da znate. Kyjesynam. Fykare.
Na bacili. Sve. Na. Vrat. Smldlive.
Fykse. Zene. Vracara. Sixirbase
Lopove. Narkomane. Kriminalce.
Sa. Najvećim. Krivicnim. Delima
Bydale. Metalno. Poremecene
. Ta.elita.graski.boema.sramxi.
The Racer looks really cool and fun .. that S-97 tho is like nothing I've ever seen.. id love to see that thing with a chin-mounted 30mm gun and some wingstubs with hellfires
That sky rise looks like a bloody Robinson 44 to me
I think the Sikorsky S97 would be a great replacement for the Blackhawk especially compared to the Bell VTOL.
Shows us decade old helicopters and telling us that they are new
The second is based on the R22 and R44
How many of these helicopters have self sealing fuel tanks?
GOKBEY helicopter 2020. It's new and from Turkiye .
The H160 is without a doubt is one of my favorite helicopter I've seen in the intro. I'd definitely see them as a military/ medical chopper. I am a huge fan of the helicopters themselves, and never rode in them. Credit to the car channel for making the best vids of all time
I can't wait to make my own Helicopter
The sikorski king stallion has two engines with..you said 75 hp each? You actually said that..and didn't realize what you were saying?
I enjoyed the video and my preferred helicopter is the Airbus H160. It's blade structure are unique and quieter than other helicopters. The colors and trim go beautifully together. Wish I was much younger to learn to pilot one of these helicopters and afford to purchase one in the black and white color scheme. It's a beautiful flying machine. Probably the Eurocopter H175 would have ample room for medivac service and Police work. Western Australia is a vast state but we have two Medivac and Police helicopters. At least two more of each helicopters would be more beneficial for the state.
VRT-500, MI-38, KA-62, Ansat, etc Don't you like Russian helicopters? Also, you could've added the Curti Zephir, stunning machine.
I want my 12 minutes back
Romania 2 secret Helicopter F132.•DAC•STR1/1DSA-1KGB
Romania secret Helicopter Google YSDK-1S
I don’t like that the S-97 is single engine because if that single engine goes down your fucked
For people just like any other vehicle what is important also here is after sale service garage and hangers availability of parts
Nice concept for a video but your kiiiiiinda adick for putting in like 5 ads man….
I want a helicopter that has a P.T.Z. camera so the passenger's can photograph and or video their house as we fly over it and cool landmarks for a life activity saved on a SD CARD and can enjoy it at home after the trip is over.
I wish they will actually be able to make FCX001 a production model.
My favorite
H160, smooth silent and a beauty.
They're damn expensive
Damn. The future looks fake and ghay.
The S97 is a Sikorsky helicopter.
What it's cost tell me sir
is skyrise a r44 fake?
Ch-53k’s turboshaft engines only put out 75hp each? Damn they’re making these things efficient now-a-days.
Helecoupter futuristic avionics flexcibelity durability security an worlds engineer
S-97 is Sikorsky, not Lockheed-Martin. it`s even in the name- S-97.
and agustawestland? this is a mongoloid top 10
I would keep doing these videos. I think just about anybody that can appreciate cars, can also appreciate aircraft!
Hallelujah, Happy Advent, Merry Christmas, Peace be with you; Thank you for all your good works, God bless you…???
I'm always interested in whats happening in the helicopter world.