As always, we’re bringing you the set of the most useful and amusing gadgets you can buy right now. Could you ever imagine a watch with a QWERTY keyboard …
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As always, we’re bringing you the set of the most useful and amusing gadgets you can buy right now. Could you ever imagine a watch with a QWERTY keyboard …
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I NEED that hook-tying tool!!!
uh, mophie sucks. uv is bad for plastics
tap is ONLY 1600 dollars lol
you watop guy
Basically if ur lazy these are useful gadgets I guess?
This stuff is for those among us that are a bit demented, and are absolutely out of something to do.
I need that iron man model
Boss! Thou Art The Man!
The souce-links, are MUCH appreciated!
Touch less water faucets have been out for over 15 years now.
Soooo….no gadgets with bottle openers here? ðē
This is a scam it uses UV-A or B (purple or iridescent bluish purple) when only UV-C (a "soft ghostly blue" as Big Clive says) can corrupt DNA strands in the single cell organisms which then leaves it dead or without the ability to reproduce and die later on. Think of the germicidal UV-C light exposure as chemo for inanimate objects with biological contaminants on it.
At first I thought seth roman was narrating ðĪĢ
Sounds like the WATOP guy.
Never thought someone on YouTube would be telling me that a spatula is one of the coolest gadgets
yep my phone is better then the picture
Anyone else notice that there was no drain and it was just on the counter
Ad for charger: donât!
Please tell us how an Ironman model can be "realistic."
why does the person talking sound like RedWheel
It is in the market?
Cool as ever. Keep up the good work.
Geez. Those rings are expensive af
on the topic of the mophie UV thing. Its crap. You need the long wave UV rays to either be directly hitting the surface or at least a slight oblique. Good example the sun hitting a pipe. The opposite side wont get the same amount or any of the affects. Otherwise its not doing anything for you. And if you throw anything in there over another item you get sero affect between the two. So waste yer cash if ya wanna just do not expect to be very protected, if at all, with that device.
Perfect faucet ðâĪïļ
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do you know what song is paling in the back ground and what is the name of this song.