I’m onboard with your take but I disagree with this being solved through legislation. The dinosaurs in government have no idea about tech. We need to push against these companies and make sure they know we won’t put up with it!
President Biden just took an important stand for ‘Right to Repair’. About time.
Do you have an opinion on the new Executive Order that was just signed?
Technical guruji translated this in Hindi
It’s crazy that most Tesla’s that get a salvage title aren’t going to ever be repaired. So much waste.
I wasn’t happy at MB when he slapped the 5g dangers to the side. However, I’m very happy with this right to repair stuff… Apple and manny other tech people are draining the planet’s minerals specifically to create components for their devices. U can drain a little bit but when you’re over draining and then prevent steps to reduce over draining, you’re literally Lucifer taking over the planet through the guise of tech advancement. We can’t eat or breathe I-phones gaddamnit!
Louis Rossmann brought me here
Stop with this "It's because of safety" excuse, it's about all money and monopoly-like control. Nice video ?
Thanks to China ?? who made every chip, battery, screen copies in cheap prices. Worked almost like the same way original do.
Big companies want to make us Dumb CONSUMERS. Just keep consuming and fill their pockets.
The first step is to make easily replaceable batteries! I hate batteries that are sealed in.
Here's an analogy that might help some people understand how ridiculous this situation is. Imagine buying a shampoo from one company and a conditioner from another. Now imagine the conditioner instantly dissolving on your head because you had just washed with another brand's shampoo. The only way to get the conditioner to work is to buy a shampoo from the same company.
The rhetorical dinosaur comparatively crash because earth intralysosomally soak about a smelly kitten. enchanted, itchy plate
As tech is becoming better we should also upgrade our skills to repair it and to understand it better and this is also helping in gaining knowledge (know we should be welcoming to new stuff,this is 5G era man)
On Louis' note about allowing others to sell parts, also don't deliberately make it so the system will literally break if you do replace parts
I agree with you, Right to Repair as a concept should be made more common among places where you can get your stuff repaired/repair it yourself. These companies say a lot about quality and tech, which they themselves are not convinced whether they want their customers to own their product. It's pretty weird to say that they ask you to pay for your emotions. It's like asking your customer to fake an orgasm. And these brands build something every day to make out lives better is something that they exhibit, which isn't true. Companies like IKEA works the other way around by selling their products and asking their customers to build things. We've seen Kodak do well and we've also seen it die with pride.
Why can't some chip manufacturer reverse engineer the M1 chip and make a few tweaks and sell replacements at 1/10 the cost of the original. Copyright issue is not there and everybody except Apple wins..
?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??????
Well, why don't I make the Android of electric vehicles?
Lol Right to Repair doesn't exist in Africa, they re a billions repair shops across Africa independently own, with no permission whatsoever from manufacturers
Went to repair an Apple device, the employee told me that it would be just as expensive to repair it as to buy a new one because they use custom tools
Stupid tim cook…
Why people buy Apple? Its stupid
Thanks bro for important info
These companies are so entitled that they wont even let you actually own the product you buy. If the company any input after purchase then you dont really own that product.
wow its my dream phone
In germany we have something called TÜV which controlls if cars are safe after repairs.
if I was one of those companies that signed the agreement, I would set up an offshore ghost company to sell those parts to anyone who needed them. They wanna play dirty. 2 can play that game.
Did not know this about printers * poor noises* ?
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
This is so dystopian. How can people still support this company?
So i break the windshield of my car, Toyota wants me to buy a new car ?
Apple is 10x more evil than the Big Brother in the 1984 Mac launch spot. And Apple users are fucks.
A lot of people complain that we cant print out money but then our economy would explode
Safety has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! She is right it's purely about control!
Capitalism, baby
A top popular tech YouTuber talk about repairability? Not sure if this is a heresy or a growing initiative.
John Deere himself would be the farmer out there hacking the farming equipment if this nonsense had happened back then. He must be rolling in his grave at what his company has become.
He is more interesting to listen to than TED talks
I came from asus lmao
2:59 DoP forgot to cap the orange bottle or was that intentional?
Its harder to repair, because they are doing it on purpose.
Everything will always get better going into the future and moving forward in progress… But someone had to build it to begin with.. and all that stuff they chose to Solder into the board could have been soceted too.. and Soldering is not that hard… It just seems hard if you dont know how.. and alot of time the man… as louis says it… lol The manufacturer is a dick and makes it harder on purpose.
America: brand itself as the least communist country ever Apple: "you don't own your iPhone, I own your iPhone, I own ALL the iPhone!"
Yeah I totally agree with the guy in the white shirt and you know that's true like if you want to work on something you got to do your due diligence to know how to do it you look at the auto industry you know when e if I was coming about everyone was scared of it you know when Ford switched to an overhead cam V8 oh I don't want to work on those because there's two cans instead of one and two green decans how much harder or something you know it's on you to be able to fix it but yeah we do need to make sure and and push these companies that they can't be monopolies and they can't control something when we own it when we purchase the rights to it like that truck thing that she did that's a normal everyday thing with every other car why is that different with Tesla we shouldn't give them the power to do that if they are going to penalize us and try to control us then we should not be buying their car you know put them on blast stop buying it that is the most powerful tool that we have as consumers they are depending on us they have to have their products bought to be able to make money to have that power stop buying them until they do what you want but then again there is that side to oh crap now I can't only a Tesla that so it's you know it's up to choice but and it's dependent on more than just you in many ways but yeah we got to stop giving them that power and making it seem like it's okay to do that so thank you for putting up this video I didn't realize how much of a problem this really was I'd heard about the tractors but yeah we need to make this a big issue and put them on blast because that's b***** I work on everything I own I haven't had to buy a new appliance since the 80s because I fix them myself and if you're going to try and sell me a dryer and say that I can't fix it f*** you I'm not buying that dryer. And part of that isn't just on the consumer side it's like he's saying on the voter side you know if this is a big deal you got to put in the time to see what your politician supports and and send them an email and let him know that hey this is important to me I helped put you in office make this happen this is wrong you know a lot of people like to have that view that oh I don't want the government messing with my stuff okay but then you have the problem of you don't have anyone to stand up to these companies and and make sure that this kind of stuff is done right but that's a whole another argument and I'm getting off topic
Companies nowadays just want to keep their hands in your pockets, AFTER the sell.
I’m onboard with your take but I disagree with this being solved through legislation. The dinosaurs in government have no idea about tech. We need to push against these companies and make sure they know we won’t put up with it!
President Biden just took an important stand for ‘Right to Repair’. About time.
Do you have an opinion on the new Executive Order that was just signed?
Technical guruji translated this in Hindi
It’s crazy that most Tesla’s that get a salvage title aren’t going to ever be repaired. So much waste.
I wasn’t happy at MB when he slapped the 5g dangers to the side. However, I’m very happy with this right to repair stuff… Apple and manny other tech people are draining the planet’s minerals specifically to create components for their devices. U can drain a little bit but when you’re over draining and then prevent steps to reduce over draining, you’re literally Lucifer taking over the planet through the guise of tech advancement. We can’t eat or breathe I-phones gaddamnit!
Louis Rossmann brought me here
Stop with this "It's because of safety" excuse, it's about all money and monopoly-like control.
Nice video ?
Thanks to China ?? who made every chip, battery, screen copies in cheap prices. Worked almost like the same way original do.
Big companies want to make us Dumb CONSUMERS.
Just keep consuming and fill their pockets.
The first step is to make easily replaceable batteries! I hate batteries that are sealed in.
Here's an analogy that might help some people understand how ridiculous this situation is. Imagine buying a shampoo from one company and a conditioner from another. Now imagine the conditioner instantly dissolving on your head because you had just washed with another brand's shampoo. The only way to get the conditioner to work is to buy a shampoo from the same company.
The rhetorical dinosaur comparatively crash because earth intralysosomally soak about a smelly kitten. enchanted, itchy plate
As tech is becoming better we should also upgrade our skills to repair it and to understand it better and this is also helping in gaining knowledge (know we should be welcoming to new stuff,this is 5G era man)
On Louis' note about allowing others to sell parts, also don't deliberately make it so the system will literally break if you do replace parts
I agree with you, Right to Repair as a concept should be made more common among places where you can get your stuff repaired/repair it yourself. These companies say a lot about quality and tech, which they themselves are not convinced whether they want their customers to own their product. It's pretty weird to say that they ask you to pay for your emotions. It's like asking your customer to fake an orgasm. And these brands build something every day to make out lives better is something that they exhibit, which isn't true. Companies like IKEA works the other way around by selling their products and asking their customers to build things. We've seen Kodak do well and we've also seen it die with pride.
Why can't some chip manufacturer reverse engineer the M1 chip and make a few tweaks and sell replacements at 1/10 the cost of the original. Copyright issue is not there and everybody except Apple wins..
Well, why don't I make the Android of electric vehicles?
Lol Right to Repair doesn't exist in Africa, they re a billions repair shops across Africa independently own, with no permission whatsoever from manufacturers
Went to repair an Apple device, the employee told me that it would be just as expensive to repair it as to buy a new one because they use custom tools
Stupid tim cook…
Why people buy Apple? Its stupid
Thanks bro for important info
These companies are so entitled that they wont even let you actually own the product you buy. If the company any input after purchase then you dont really own that product.
wow its my dream phone
In germany we have something called TÜV which controlls if cars are safe after repairs.
if I was one of those companies that signed the agreement, I would set up an offshore ghost company to sell those parts to anyone who needed them. They wanna play dirty. 2 can play that game.
Did not know this about printers * poor noises* ?
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
This is so dystopian. How can people still support this company?
So i break the windshield of my car, Toyota wants me to buy a new car ?
Apple is 10x more evil than the Big Brother in the 1984 Mac launch spot. And Apple users are fucks.
A lot of people complain that we cant print out money but then our economy would explode
Safety has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! She is right it's purely about control!
Capitalism, baby
A top popular tech YouTuber talk about repairability? Not sure if this is a heresy or a growing initiative.
John Deere himself would be the farmer out there hacking the farming equipment if this nonsense had happened back then. He must be rolling in his grave at what his company has become.
He is more interesting to listen to than TED talks
I came from asus lmao
2:59 DoP forgot to cap the orange bottle or was that intentional?
Its harder to repair, because they are doing it on purpose.
Everything will always get better going into the future and moving forward in progress… But someone had to build it to begin with.. and all that stuff they chose to Solder into the board could have been soceted too.. and Soldering is not that hard… It just seems hard if you dont know how.. and alot of time the man… as louis says it… lol The manufacturer is a dick and makes it harder on purpose.
America: brand itself as the least communist country ever
Apple: "you don't own your iPhone, I own your iPhone, I own ALL the iPhone!"
Yeah I totally agree with the guy in the white shirt and you know that's true like if you want to work on something you got to do your due diligence to know how to do it you look at the auto industry you know when e if I was coming about everyone was scared of it you know when Ford switched to an overhead cam V8 oh I don't want to work on those because there's two cans instead of one and two green decans how much harder or something you know it's on you to be able to fix it but yeah we do need to make sure and and push these companies that they can't be monopolies and they can't control something when we own it when we purchase the rights to it like that truck thing that she did that's a normal everyday thing with every other car why is that different with Tesla we shouldn't give them the power to do that if they are going to penalize us and try to control us then we should not be buying their car you know put them on blast stop buying it that is the most powerful tool that we have as consumers they are depending on us they have to have their products bought to be able to make money to have that power stop buying them until they do what you want but then again there is that side to oh crap now I can't only a Tesla that so it's you know it's up to choice but and it's dependent on more than just you in many ways but yeah we got to stop giving them that power and making it seem like it's okay to do that so thank you for putting up this video I didn't realize how much of a problem this really was I'd heard about the tractors but yeah we need to make this a big issue and put them on blast because that's b***** I work on everything I own I haven't had to buy a new appliance since the 80s because I fix them myself and if you're going to try and sell me a dryer and say that I can't fix it f*** you I'm not buying that dryer. And part of that isn't just on the consumer side it's like he's saying on the voter side you know if this is a big deal you got to put in the time to see what your politician supports and and send them an email and let him know that hey this is important to me I helped put you in office make this happen this is wrong you know a lot of people like to have that view that oh I don't want the government messing with my stuff okay but then you have the problem of you don't have anyone to stand up to these companies and and make sure that this kind of stuff is done right but that's a whole another argument and I'm getting off topic
Companies nowadays just want to keep their hands in your pockets, AFTER the sell.