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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. I've been watching the the place where he shoots! Instead of that tv? and also I got cheated he shot the 55inches tv instead of 88 inches used his ultra wide camera perfectly!!

  2. LG is an absolutely racist company. I discovered this when I was looking through the help section forum of my LG G7 ThinQ and wanted to like a post by someone. LG would not allow this. Why? Because I'm white. The pop-up message reads:

    White member cannot make 'likes', do to policies

    Wrong answer! ??

  3. 1. The sci-fi aluminum stands looks like crap, plus using it the bottom edge of the TV/monitor a good 50 cm too close to the ground. 2. Thickness of the display is irrelevant, unless you want to watch the show from the side, not from the front. 3. 8K may happen one day, or more like, we will jump from UHD 4K right to 16K (check out the 16K experimental broadcasts during this summer's Tokyo Summer Olympic Games). 4. What is the dog doing in every other shot?

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