Reviewed by Luke Reilly on Xbox One X. Also available on PlayStation 4 and PC. “With excellent enemy creature design, a rich and diverse world, and piles …
Reviewed by Luke Reilly on Xbox One X. Also available on PlayStation 4 and PC. “With excellent enemy creature design, a rich and diverse world, and piles …
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Had such high hopes. Another one lost to extended development. "We happy few" anyone?
so wait till its on sale
It looks like it’ll be fun……if you completely ignore the story and don’t mind repetitive gameplay at times
Nothing makes sense. ??
6 was to generous
Everyone is treating this game like it was made by a multi billion dollar company.
I'll buy this on the cheap from a c.d key site ?
So a better version of HZD, awesome
8/10 for me. Great game?
Let's hope Sonic Rangers is a better version of this.
can you turn the narrator off?
Is it worth buying tho because I’m thinking about it???????
Would be nice if they dropped dlc & added multiplayer co-op, sort of dougen runs throw wave of enemies at us
Invisible walls? This is Outriders with pets.
well u know what they say its not a game until ign reviews it
An the fact tht ur a animal or Squirrel like creature this reminds me of conkers bad fur day with out the cursing lol
Hmmmm conkers bad fur day maybe connected to this game due to its fighting style hmmm an guns
Can’t get over how he pronounced “buoyed”
Meanwhile a worse game like FFXV gets 8.1, let that sink in.
"The range of enemy types is terrific." You mean the same enemy has 20 different re-skins.
Game looks great, really looking forward to playing it. Nice to see a game that actually looks unique. It’s funny that IGN doesn’t criticize painfully repetitive stuff like Assassins Creed or Far Cry as harshly as this. No bribes i’m guessing.
This review is so thought out and scripted it makes me not think of the game itself.
Absolute waste of money in it's current state. It's crashed my Xbox One X about 20 times in the tutorial even after taking it apart to clean it and various other attempts.
if you can get passed the forced tutorial and forced narrative and linear beginning then you will be fine
This is not open world.
It looks like The Dark Souls of Ratchet and Clank
This game's narrator reminds me Morgo from Little Missfortune a bit.
You guys need to stop letting reviews influence you, literally so many rpgs nowadays are so bland and unoriginal. I’ve put 40 hours into this game and it’s literally so fun, there’s so much content and the combat is addicting. The world looks amazing and it’s so colorful, it gives me breath of the wild vibes. I’d much rather play this than most of the rpgs coming out rn
Why is the game / open world so boring ? When you are exploring the world, you almost never run into enemies and when you do, they are dead with two or three slices / shots. It is a shame really, the game looks gorgeous and runs fantastic, but contect wise it leaves a lot to be desired. Doesn't matter on which difficulty you play. Too bad.
David Shaw Parker, the voice over narrator, said it best in one line:
“This story is as powerful as you’ll let it be.”
You know you have a lazy reviewer when they say they completed a game as large and replayable as BioMutant in 20 hours. He rushed and skipped over 90 percent of what makes the game entertaining.
This aint a review more like a bashing the game
Look everyone a review of a game that ign never finished
Correct me if I’m wrong, but this isn’t a “post-post apocalypse”, but a post apocalypse-apocalypse, yes?
Horizon: Zero Dawn was more like, a post-post apocalypse-apocalypse, maybe, but that sounds like nonsense.
As always the corporate reviews are all wrong to throw people off still on the fence
"The mooma's revenge"
Yet another open world game that should have been linear.
Definitely last of us Vibes….. jk it’s fun though
damn bro this was so hyped and 6/10 lmao
''hey you gotta go to the Oomba tribe and help them kill the Loobity Derpy. It's located outside Dubbity Hibbity forest''
DONT LISTEN THEY BARELY EVEN PLAYED IT. The narrator is not as bad as they say
imagine building this world and combat design and weapon systems and rpg stuff, just to end up getting kneecapped by some corporate amateur gameplay design. how disappointing.
It’s a game for kids that an adult who wants a hardcore demon souls can’t ever understand
spoiler alert !
Biomutant in one sentence: yea there's a lot of ideas here kid, but not a lot of focus.