Behold, this is another set of gadgets for men! Today’s gadgets are about your safety. Well, not just that, there’s a couple of multitools you might need on an …
Behold, this is another set of gadgets for men! Today’s gadgets are about your safety. Well, not just that, there’s a couple of multitools you might need on an …
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Those Scooters are legit ?
Side note I sent you a business email ? you Rock
the volume of ads during this is bad
here first bitches
If you need all these bottle openers, you have a real drinking problem. plus you must be loosing all the openers that you need more.
I love your videos
Hellow scammers are every where interested at scooter, but we know this is a genuine deal?? It’s not a famous business site . Any idea??
That was a bottle of St Ambroise. (2:50) You have good taste!
I rise majestically 14 inches over the ground ?
…if i wear platform shoes. I have an incredibly small peen.
damn bro where do u find soo cool gadgets everytime
Cool set of gadgets!!! ??
Espetacular ?????????
Badass man. Love these vids
It is so nice. How much is Eco Bike bro?
Anyone ever watch his other channel? Pretty good stuff
Yo the scooter is 1600
Enjoyed your video and I gave it a Thumbs Up
more "stuff" i don't need.
Idk what kinda men your talking about but the men i know wouldn't be caught dead with any kind of scooter
Stay away from the O-light flashlights, they are Chinese junk that have a history of overheating batteries that then leak.
Holy crap 40 mph lol . I should've got this over my e bike but I do love my ride 1 up
The scooter is pretty cool but it seems like people are pushing those multitool cards a little bit over the top. They are Alright but they are just a gimmick in my opinion doesn't mean that they are not good but honestly I probably use my Gerber before anything else and I always have it with me.
Is this Watop
I loved that purple flashlight.
Hi, please advise where can i buy the CRKT Guppie Multitool ?
Mann when's the next giveaway
The skull on the scooter looks bestial …..
Men really ??
all useless, cheap crap…
the narration is so clear and descriptive ; I love this channel!
Why was the first one so long
What the heck is wrong with you? It's 2021. Since when are gadgets made for men and not women? This is weird and backward.
What a bunch of useless crap.
No links anymore?
Still see no reason some women might not want these.
Do you think the GUPPIE toll people know what the GUPPIE term means? LOL! Hint, a YUPPIE is a Young urban Professional. ?
One swoosh and you've cut your jugular.
It's a knife that also opens boxes? Is it a screwdriver that also drives screws?
So the break ended with a fail yeah because you broke from the front not the back of course you going to tip
Cant see many people buying that seatbelt cutter…or clipping it on every time u get in the car.
2:52 No tools required. It's a twist off cap. ???