We’re back with another set of gadgets from all over the Web! Get ready to see the coolest speakers ever! There’s more, we’ve found a pair of devices that’ll take …
We’re back with another set of gadgets from all over the Web! Get ready to see the coolest speakers ever! There’s more, we’ve found a pair of devices that’ll take …
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Me: ?
25k for the lambo speaker, uh wow
This is my favorite channel, but i miss the giveaways
7:35 that has to be the saddest fridge I’ve ever seen wtf with all the vegetables and there’s just a slab of chicken and some lettuce on the left whoever orders there food must be a sycho
That knife ? case gonna get someone shot ???
Lambo speaker only 23 k
Last one ?
..the. W c its Amazing..
okay now i know it’s my favorite youtuber WATOP
the polymer is light wait yet stron-
0:21 is that upside down?
The butcher knife phone case is advisable in public KARON will call the cops
A toilet that cleans me… Now if they could just come up with a toilet that cleans itself, life would be a little more tolerable.
Ever heard of health faucet?
Why……would anyone want a kitchen utensil phone holder? And the armrest thing……people buy this stuff?
The fridge deodorant…..just clean your fridge and throw out old food….geezus
Old school 19 years a go in japan
Bidets are weird change my mind
Where do you find the amazing gun?
There's a FAN in the bidet?! To spread aerosolized crap all over you? And there's BUBBLES in the water?! So…using LESS water helps to clean? Uh huh
Hace poco vi unos lentes 5k que parecen diadema, es decir son una sola pieza y los audifonos en cada cabeza incluyen 4 speakers….no vi que marca eran solo tenian una C Como marca en el area de pantalla…me podrias decir la marca por fsvor?
Aye wtf is the first one ?