For copyright matters please contact us at: copymanager.mn@gmail.com BRAIN TIME ▻ https://goo.gl/tTWgH2 1. Avegant Glyph …
For copyright matters please contact us at: copymanager.mn@gmail.com BRAIN TIME ▻ https://goo.gl/tTWgH2 1. Avegant Glyph …
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That Avegant Glyph is not in anyway a VR headset. That idea has been around for awhile and it's nice they are now trying to jump on VR bandwagon without actually offering VR. Nice design but NOT VR.
Everytime i see gadget in a title i think its crazy russian hacker man lol
Terrible music.
Too bad that hat is ugly af. Looks like one of those leather hats that R&B singers wore in the 90s.
I believe driving while listening to headphones is illegal. Even if it's not, it's not a good idea.
Needs a new voice-over guy.
Awesome! I fucking love bottle openers in a world where 99% of everything is twist off! Nice to lug a $30 dollar palm sized opener around with you for that 1% chance you will need one.
Or… You can use almost literally anything laying around to leverage it off. Or the edge of any counter and hit it with your hand.
Do you suppose they make most of their sales to people buying gifts for others?
People that have a set price range and dont really give a fuck if the recipient likes it or not?
Cuz I really dont see anyone buying it for themselves. It's useless.
And how many different ways can you market battery chargers, multi purpose mult function gadgets you will never use, and pocket knives?
Is that water filter $120? Outa my range. I'll have to carry a bottle.
car wipers on the anus include
'Halo' just has me shaking my head…
and rolling my eyes… There are already hundreds of aesthetically pleasing and cool bottle openers.. why this way too big doughnut?!
Once again just proving how fucking stupid human beings are and why we should all be extinct.
Most of the items are worthless Yuppie Garbage
how is a bottle opener a gadget
The pretty girls are the only thing I liked about this video.
9:38 "Check out the latest video of mind warehouse." Are you recycling videos from an old channel of yours or completely plagiarizing the content?
If you’re not going to list links to buy instead of useless YouTube videos, don’t bother showing us all this

1:24 wtf so you stick your whole face in the water to take a drink lol
Please, I can't find where to order and how much for the cap and the mini gun belt buckle. I would love having the directions
So many of these videos have the audio cut out in the middle. I don't understand how this isn't fixed yet
You need some stuff like this *mrmasterglock on Wickr * is helpful on that I get some weapons for the store .
You might have some good gadgets but you've also got the most annoying background music!
Fire resistant metal to help you start fires, hahahahahahahaha
Pure trek is added to my survival equipment.
Make sure to leave the link so we can buy it please
A makeup mirror AND a battery!?!?!!?!!!!!???!;!?!?!!??!!?!?? OMG!!!!!???!!!???!??!!!! That's sooooooooooooo amazing!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What mega genius invented this absolute marvel of modern engineering??
Jesus is the only way humbly ask him he will answer you
Fire resistant steel lmao
dude does no research
Jesus loves you all and have a great day also remember to not say the Lords name in vein and to say your blessings before you eat food. Also remember to love like Jesus does and to not hate anyone no matter what.
1.C2 – Bom tudo a todos
A verdade que nos trás – dá equilíbrio, psíquico, somático e espiritual é apenas uma sombra da realidade, uma luz reveladora de que temos sim, um Deus humano que habitou nas entranhas eterna do Deus Espírito Santo, foi na dispensação da plenitude dos "tempos", gerado numa humana jovem pela virtude deste mesmo DeusEspíritoSanto, gestado, nascido, recém-nascido com infindáveis cuidados, criança, adolescente, jovem e adulto, por volta de seus trinta e cinco anos (35 ) foi morto, esteve por três (3), sepultado, ressuscitou ao terceiro dia, e, hoje sabe o que é ser tido como um fracassado; se não por todos, pela grande maioria… Mas foi assim que Deus Pai o preparou até que estivesse pronto para socorrer todos que buscam em JesusCristoEmmanuelDeusconosco, humano que não apenas nos salva, mas vive para interceder por todo aquele que a Ele se chega
Porque Ele mesmo afirma no Santo Livro: "Não se deixe enganar: de Deus não se zomba. Pois o que o homem semear, isso também colherá. / Os pais não serão condenados e mortos em lugar dos filhos, nem os filhos em lugar dos pais; cada um pagará pelo seu próprio proceder para com Deus e para com os homens-socialmente. / Mas o que a Bíblia diz
" A palavra de submissão, de voluntária humilhação está perto de você; está em sua boca e amalgamada em seu coração", isto é, a palavra da fé que estamos proclamando: Se você confessar com a sua boca que Jesus é Senhor, e crer em seu coração que Deus o ressuscitou dentre os mortos, será salvo. Pois com o coração se crê para justiça, e com a boca se confessa para salvação. Como diz a Escritura: "Todo o que nele confia-crê jamais será envergonhado – condenado – amaldiçoado; abandonado. / Ouça o que diz o teu Criador-JesusCristo: "Venha a mim, todos os que estão estressados aos limites, cansados, sobrecarregados, e eu vos aliviarei e darei descanso a vocês. Tomem sobre vocês o meu jugo e aprendam de mim, pois sou manso – jamais te ofenderei, recusarei, reprenderei publicamente por qualquer ato conduta que seja-; e também Sou humilde de coração- jamais deixarei de te ouvir – e te socorrer, nas piores tragédias que tenha se embrenhado -; porque é só em mim e por mim que você encontrará descanso -equilíbrio – para sua alma, e confiança com eterna paz junto a mimteuDeusSalvador
– Gálatas 6.7; Deuteronômio 24.16; Romanos 10:8-11; Mateus 11:28,29. 
The sheets with compass is about as ridiculous as it is useless. Watch the compass as the knife is drawn or replaced, yup, all that metal around it causing all manner of action. A stand alone compass is paramount if you can actually USE a compass. A tiny toy compass of dubious quality, surrounded by metal? A joke. Most people can’t use a real compass to begin with, relying on that junk will be your demise in an emergency…
The fact that these ar gadgets an not gear should tip you off that this stuff is pure novelty…
@0:47 Chris Griffin "I am familiar with this motion". Jokes aside:
I've a water filter and just filling from the river and puting it through a bag seems hugely less grief and things to go wrong than a pump. In fact .. NO I hate this.
The TOP level of the water is clearly obviously the clearest. Sticking a stick into the dirt, disturbing it, then sucking the crap and trying to filter it …. what?
If you want water, you want the cleanest source in the first place, not the bottom gunk. Why in gods name unless you are 90 with no flexibility would you do such a thing?
Source: (I'm an Engineer).