During the Cold War, surveillance in Moscow was the most difficult kind of surveillance that the US had encountered around the globe. Moscow had its own set …
During the Cold War, surveillance in Moscow was the most difficult kind of surveillance that the US had encountered around the globe. Moscow had its own set …
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Anyone who wants a cyanide pill has no idea how torturous cyanide poisoning is. They might as well just keep a wood chipper around to jump into.
Can someone tell me why the USA and Russia need to spy on each other? Seems like a lot more risk than reward…
CIA = the invisible army of capitalism, greatest terrorist organisation in the world
She’s the perfect person for that role. I would never believe this sweet lady worked for the CIA at all. ? She’s awesome!
It would be great had she taken off her mask at the end of the video to reveal her real face.
Knock, knock knock, Q I need another Cloaking Device and it’s the third one I’ve lost this week I keep putting them down and then I can’t find them!
Imagine the kind of surveillance they have nowadays…every phone is a secret agent. Easy mass surveillance.
We can do this… But we break THREE Hunter Biden’s lap tops.
Wait so they cut out a guy’s balls and keep a fake ballsack?
The empty soap archaeologically deceive because llama postnatally bounce sans a victorious catsup. far, tasty lightning
just imagine what they have today
Did you see her hands making the four pyramids that's a secret hand sign
It's a shame that the Biden administration is just giving our country away .
And just like that she needs a visit.
She looks like she is still wearing the disguise . This is not her actual looks
This is how George R R Martin get the faceless man
Why does this video feel illegal
The world would be a much better place without espionage
Those were the days my friends….
God bless
I could listen to her stories all day.
Looks like ProducerMichael xD
She kinda hinted at modern gadgets a bit. “The same methods are used today”, imagine real dogs and cats implanted with surveillance, masks that look more real than you could imagine, cyanide capsules under finger nails or skin, litter on the side of the road containing money or documents. The list goes on.
Lying doggo, best name ever
8:25 I wonder how SALTy the Russians got afterwards…
Argo by Ben Affleck is a movie about a mission that her husband carried out in Iran (won a Oscar) and she was the chief of disguise, imagine the kind of stuff being discussed over dinner with kids