I test and review food slicing and cutting gadgets, The worlds best knife sharpener, watermelon and apple utensils, and a lemon juice sprayer. Great for cooking …
I test and review food slicing and cutting gadgets, The worlds best knife sharpener, watermelon and apple utensils, and a lemon juice sprayer. Great for cooking …
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Who’s watching in 3097
As always
“Pretty cool, huh?” Is the best part
Dave. Had. 3+4=?
I want the knife shorpanr
Nice video daveHax
Did you do a face reveal yet?
I don't see no pit
More reasonable than 5 minute crafts
Watching this on the night before my bday to calm down. I gonna get a bike I think!
2:52 new pepper spray
6:52 that’s actually considered a really bad sharpener
You are a very good YouTuber
Watermelon Balls
Didnt you use that sharpener in the other video 0:00
I like your Idea
Hello am new fan
Where can I buy this stuff tell me pls pls pls
Dave:-should remove the pit from this mango
Me:(takes a deep breath)MANGO
The anti sharp should be called the anti dull since its preventing things from getting dull
Question what do you do with all of the food you use in your videos
I want that lemon squatter.
2:24 hey….that Kitchen gadget Look fammiliar
When do i Remember it…
Me: *Starting to remember* ….
Many foods were harmed during the making of this video
My mom: house wife
Dave: house dad
Joe mama
Fun fact:Apples and tomatoes emit ethylene gas which ripens fruits and vegetables,Since apples have the ability of their own hey ripen faster than a fruit just normally exposed to oxygen
I- I’ve ran out of ideas to say
Slice the watermelon in the tomato cuter!
Omg! I got litteraly 111.111.111 views!
Pretty cool HUH?
That sharp Apple slicer my teacher has that to
You: agan me: again You only say agan its again