We have shown off some pretty amazing gadgets in the past, but many new products often go unnoticed. Today, we will take a …
We have shown off some pretty amazing gadgets in the past, but many new products often go unnoticed. Today, we will take a …
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Thanks for the links, I hope my roommates get that litter box

Great video thank you 2020
The OrCam MyEye 2 blew my mind. I need one.
I would love these but do you know what I'm
8:31 this is more sufficient even though the other one look much better but it can only make a few amount of drinks
8:31 this look like an upgrade for #Bartesian
dope video bro
Great Video! You can also have Light Blocking Glasses. Check my account!
i like the comment button now..
I need circle zero for my cat.
I like how he asks to sub right after he says blind lol
But good vid
He was saying the glasses would be good for blind people but I just want them cause there cool af
Barsys for alcoholics
These gadgets are so cool
OrCam MyEye Pro $5k! Yeah right.

@furturetech hey this is the Link for "stopsleep" from your other video. Domt know if u had knew. https://www.autoblog.com/2019/04/15/this-driver-alert-device-warns-you-before-you-get-dangerously-dr/
awesome technology in the future
Dumb and dumber
Wew. Who else is amazed??
Could you start telling the price of the gadgets?
This all seems like one big add

Fun fact: you will not buy this gadgets tomorrow
The link below describes a few simple experiments, which break the law of conservation of mechanical energy and the law of conservation of linear momentum. You can easily carry out these simple experiments in your garage as many times as you want.
And here is the link:
IMPORTANT NOTE 1. It is highly recommendable that the above mentioned experiments are evaluated and realized by a highly qualified expert (Ph.D.) in theoretical and applied mechanics. Otherwise nothing will come of it (most probably).
IMPORTANT NOTE 2. The key question in the above mentioned experiments is how to reduce standard friction (where necessary) to a certain minimum limit, beyond which the experimental error (due to friction) is small enough and can be neglected. The answer is simple. You can use for example permanent magnet slides as shown in the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoW0A8hYs5A . (Permanent magnet slides reduce friction practically to zero and the measuring devices do not register any force of friction.) Alternatively you can use hundreds of other methods for reducing of friction (as much as necessary) as modern technologies allow this feat. We live in 21st century after all.
Looking forward to your comments after repeating the above mentioned simple experiments.
Etee VR Controller
Circle Zero: auto clean kitty litter box
Tittle Light: customizable Light
Print Pods: portable printer
Roidmi Mojietu: portable inflator
Woojer Edge: Headphones that literally let you feel the music
Orcam My Eye 2: Audio Reader that can read anything you point to
Barsys 2.0+: Auto drink mixer
All look easy only need the right tools and a meter parts are all on the street…
