This has to be the coolest bottle of Coke to date. This special edition Coca-Cola features a tiny OLED capable of 500 activations. FOLLOW ME IN THESE …
I recall another beverage bottle with an LED light saber
Unbox sodary
Crash the bottle after use ?
Maybe you can do a video conference with Willie Do.
All it is is EL tape just cool they can get the "battery" like that.
So hyped for the one plus 8!!?
Lew went all jerryrig on the coke bottle
You should send this to jerryrigeverything for coca cola teardown
After watching the title, I thought it contains a button which opens up the lid ??
Sanitize the box
Coke had to cut the sugar to pay for the diodes.
I really hope that these kind of things won't become something used often before everyones recycling abilities have increased
but is a promo for Rise Of Skywalker
And just like that electronic waste is the new major world threat
What about the OLED burn-in risk?
Oh man as a Star Wars fan I would absolutely love to own that. Too bad I don't have hundreds of $$ to burn. I'm glad I can at least appreciate it with the power of the Internet lol
Lue doing a jerryrig today !
I would order that. Coke in glass is so much better
Willy-do cringing at home throwing his iMac saying nooooo second the knife cut into the lable.
Dude why you gotta fuck up the bottle ;~;
petition for Unbox Therapy to just unbox and try different Cokes once a week. American Coke comes in so many weird flavors. Try the orange-vanilla, california raspberry or the regular mexican coca cola with cane sugar, not that corn syrup crap
So much plastic in wrapping shame on coca-cola
great, more trash for nature to consume
OLED displays? I hope the materials used are renewable.
If it's not the Coke from Mexico I don't want it lol.
You showed this already
Where can I get that knife?
"I don't like Coke bottles. So I went out and made my own. Introducing the Later Bottle."
Old lew: unbox tech Lewis now:unbox coca cola
Way to go…. One step ahead to ruin the planet… plastic isn't enough…let's put in a mini battery….I hope it stays limited edition only…
Still it is zero coke ?
Corona attack you.
Made in Malaysia
Omg in dumb I just throw it to the trash I don't know you can do that
The Force is weak in Rey…
Did you know that Coke Zero is actually worse for your health than regular coke? Because artificial sweeteners are actually worse than plain ol sugar
Uhhhmmmm, is this the matrix? I could've sworn Unbox Therapy already did a video about this before. Special Edition Star Wars Coke bottles that light up….yeah, I'm certain this has been done before.
They don't know what OLED is. It's obviously just a flat LED sticker behind the Coca Cola sticker. An OLED display is an matrix of RGB leds, not just white and a colored tape to make it another one.
I'm from Singapore and I didn't even know this exist
Born too early to explore the apocalypse wasteland. Born too late to explore outside my apartment. Born just in time to experience the death throes of consumerism.
What a time to be alive.
I recall another beverage bottle with an LED light saber
Unbox sodary
Crash the bottle after use ?
Maybe you can do a video conference with Willie Do.
All it is is EL tape just cool they can get the "battery" like that.
So hyped for the one plus 8!!?
Lew went all jerryrig on the coke bottle
You should send this to jerryrigeverything for coca cola teardown
After watching the title, I thought it contains a button which opens up the lid ??
Sanitize the box
Coke had to cut the sugar to pay for the diodes.
I really hope that these kind of things won't become something used often before everyones recycling abilities have increased
but is a promo for Rise Of Skywalker
And just like that electronic waste is the new major world threat
What about the OLED burn-in risk?
Oh man as a Star Wars fan I would absolutely love to own that. Too bad I don't have hundreds of $$ to burn. I'm glad I can at least appreciate it with the power of the Internet lol
Lue doing a jerryrig today !
I would order that. Coke in glass is so much better
Willy-do cringing at home throwing his iMac saying nooooo second the knife cut into the lable.
Dude why you gotta fuck up the bottle ;~;
petition for Unbox Therapy to just unbox and try different Cokes once a week. American Coke comes in so many weird flavors. Try the orange-vanilla, california raspberry or the regular mexican coca cola with cane sugar, not that corn syrup crap
So much plastic in wrapping shame on coca-cola
great, more trash for nature to consume
OLED displays? I hope the materials used are renewable.
4:43 collectors: "Nooooooooo!"
Online sellers: "Dew it!!!!"
Not worth it for $800
Lew rigs everycola
imagine someone paying this over 1000
If it's not the Coke from Mexico I don't want it lol.
You showed this already
Where can I get that knife?
"I don't like Coke bottles. So I went out and made my own. Introducing the Later Bottle."
Old lew: unbox tech
Lewis now:unbox coca cola
Way to go…. One step ahead to ruin the planet… plastic isn't enough…let's put in a mini battery….I hope it stays limited edition only…
Still it is zero coke ?
Corona attack you.
Made in Malaysia
Omg in dumb
I just throw it to the trash
I don't know you can do that
The Force is weak in Rey…
Did you know that Coke Zero is actually worse for your health than regular coke? Because artificial sweeteners are actually worse than plain ol sugar
Uhhhmmmm, is this the matrix? I could've sworn Unbox Therapy already did a video about this before. Special Edition Star Wars Coke bottles that light up….yeah, I'm certain this has been done before.
They don't know what OLED is. It's obviously just a flat LED sticker behind the Coca Cola sticker. An OLED display is an matrix of RGB leds, not just white and a colored tape to make it another one.
I'm from Singapore and I didn't even know this exist
Born too early to explore the apocalypse wasteland.
Born too late to explore outside my apartment.
Born just in time to experience the death throes of consumerism.