Borderlands 3: Guns, Love, and Tentacles reviewed on PC by Travis Northup. Also available on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. “Guns, Love, and Tentacles is a …
Borderlands 3: Guns, Love, and Tentacles reviewed on PC by Travis Northup. Also available on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. “Guns, Love, and Tentacles is a …
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This dlc is better than the other Hamerlock dlc in BL2.
I feel like the side quests were overlooked. Yes, their is the “we slaas” quest, but how about burt’s cold case quest? The quest really pulls the heartstrings. And they brought back max sky from moxxi’s jackpot. The side quests in this dlcI think had more emotion in it i.m.o.
Does the DLC finally raise the level cap?
Dudes aim trash
All I need is a Borderlands TV Series, who wants one? Give a like
should i get guns love and tentacles or moxxies heist of the handsome jackpot
"plays it safe" those words should never be used when describing Borderlands
so far the dlc has been dissapointing
Tentacles are delicious
Basically all you said was evidence that it's not worth downloading the dlc. I know a lot of people are not playing Borderlands 3 anymore until Gearbox release the full game and stop giving us level increases because it's f**** up with our damn builds
Some guy: uses my favourite gun (hellshock)
Me: high-pitched happyness noises
Considering how atrociously borderlands 3 was written, especially the mission design, I’ll stay well clear of the franchise from now on.
So basically it’s Blooderlands?
Too bad the Switch Borderlands is going to outsell PC, PS4 & XBone new game
"Sharply Written"
I haven't played it, but going off the main game, I doubt that.
Why is half the gameplay cropped?
I wish Doom Slayer attended the wedding…. It's obvious the Super Shotgun is a Jakobs.
still reaching for that diversity dollar, huh?
Lmao who is cutooloo?
This dlc was just so boring, predictable, and repetitive. They need to up their game because they are slowly choking this franchise.
A billion guns! Billion!
Get woke go broke
Is this the brokeback dlc or something? Lol
Sounds like a fun DND adventure
What!? Its a small DLC. What else do expect?
Wait so you're telling me there isnt a cthullu raid boss????
Ugh gayness
It’s better then the jacks casino dlc
I had to read the title twice XD
Still waiting for Tiny Tina Assault on dragons keep vol 2