Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra – What's The Problem?

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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. Well, I'm a flight attendant and since these fools won't put a ban on domestic travel in the US, I'm out here with my gloves and my 5 passengers who think that a mask will save them. ?

  2. Currently in Spain: 5th day indoors. If the police catches you outdoors without a proper explanation you are guaranteed to get fined. And they said 15 days will probably not be enough.

  3. Zurich, Switzerland…..situation is fucked. Shut down but people act like not a big deal. Hospitals projected to collapse in days…we expect full lockdown and lock in. What a time to be alive

  4. Madrid – Spain: state of emergency, people are not allowed to go outdoors except for buying food/medicines and going to work those who cannot WFH. I have not left my place since Saturday and it looks like it's going to be like that for at least 3/4 weeks more. Stay safe, wash your hands and stay indoors as much as possible.

  5. i dont like it when you dont go to the main point and i have to wait for the main topic
    if i wanted to hear the virus update, i wouldnt pick this video

  6. Calcutta, India : (FunFact – Newspapers are coming with two extra pages to be used as tissue papers.) Self-Quarantined since Monday. Government is responsible. People are aware. Schools, Colleges, Public Places are closed down.

  7. Hi Lou you are one brave smart man I love your channel I'm in London Croydon, Surrey and so far there is stores empty things are getting a bit hectic my local supermarket is limited with stock but we will get through the pandemic we not on full lock down as of yet

  8. In Islamabad, Pakistan rn. There have been a few cases of the virus and educational institutes school , universities are closed. But people are not aware of the threat gyms , markets , restaurants , parks and all types of social gatherings are still happening. If the virus were to hit this place it's going to be very bad as the people are unaware and non supportive.

  9. I think this whole situation can be considered good in the sense that people who weren't tech inclined before are sort of forced to see the good/positivity/resources the internet can bring. I'm in CO BTW. Last I read, we had 101 confirmed cases and a lot of dining rooms are closed. We're still working the drive-thru at my work though

  10. Saudi Arabia
    Number of cases 131
    Deaths 0
    Every thing is closed ? except supermarket ? and pharmacies ⚕
    Studying from home ? self isolation for all

  11. The Netherlands. there is a lot of cases though all the schools only shut down last week, public spaces aren't necessarily closed, restaurants and cafes are closed.

  12. Slovenia: only food stores, banks, pharmacies, post offices and gas stations are still open. Retail is sold only online if you pay online also. Same with some food delivery. No public transport. Industry is still going as much as it can.

    Death toll: 1

    Confirmed cases: about 280, realistically a lot more since only those who need medical help get tested

  13. hi lew, down under in argentina, big fan. i'm a doctor here and we are doing as much as we can to try to minimize all major activities< cinema, any event that gaders a small group of people it;s been closed , the futbol, dinners, bars, and right now we are in summer so we are growing consciousness, and all the people are incredibly united. sadly whe have to wait for something like these to really understand that as you allways says … what a time to be alive.

  14. I’m from South Africa, living in Madrid for the last 6 months. My wife is recovering in SA from a medical procedure, so we are both trapped in our respective countries now for who knows how long? You’re a champ, Lew. Thanks for trying ?

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