Discussing Bitcoin and Recession!
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Please be advised that I own a diverse portfolio of cryptocurrency as I wish to remain transparent and impartial to the cryptocurrency community at all times, and therefore, the content of my media are intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES not financial advice. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial legal or tax advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Purchasing cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome. Past performance does not indicate future results.
This information is what was found publicly on the internet. This is all my own opinion. All information is meant for public awareness and is public domain. Please take this information and do your own research.
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Good Morning Crypto
Ivan on Tech by Ivan Liljeqvist
11:42 pm in Puerto Rico with a Whiskey Sour drink close to me, great videos as always
Can someone tell me where he tells anything that is in the title?
* ivan, you're amazing.. i've been watching u for 3 yrs now (not always, however, but definitely with fairly enough frequency) * ur english increased incredibly these last days/weeks ..real linguistic talent i may say (i know something about it since i'm trilingual myself – all from my own studies and nothing to do with any dual language parental or country's tongue) * i can give u that * english is my second language like yours, and i'm good at it as well (i'm good at many issues tho' quite much unlucky, too, but still not a loser.. hahah..) * enough complements cuz i've also noticed that you're quite a bullshiter sometimes .. a bullshiter with passsion, so eitehr u believe in that part of bullshit u "promote" sometimes, or u just use it with the full knowledge to benefit from it * supoman (u know him, the guy from london, Mauritian from one of his parents side) criticize u once for "throwing your community under the bus" for the financial benefit while many of those guys would lose lots of money * i've sent him my criticizm of what shit he's done in the past promoting "centra tech." (CTR ticker) who performed "exit scam" (2 top founders where arrested at florida's airport with millions of funds embezzled from the investors) * i won't be specific since i've been already rambling too much n didn't get to the point of why i find u a "bullshiter" not telling the truth "sometimes" (i usually agree with u) * it's too much to explain, but shortly, telling how big money one can make in the upcoming recession (yeah it's inevitable) , n naturally u don't make it same way, is a hypocrisy with no doubt * how the fuck one of your followers would make these big millions in short time (a yr or maybe 2 or 3 at the most average recession time) without having already quite a substantial amount of cash/crypto value for that move? u need to hv millions first in order to make millions in short time * we're not talking about buying BTC when it cost $1 or less ($0.01 was not so long before that value, too) ** btc will not multiply that much fast any more since it's already reached a very high pick in 2017 * i don't come too often with my comments to u, n i know u ignore me tho i also believe u do read them * it doesn't matter to me * i just told u what i think or believe about u * good n bad, but their truth also is that no one is perfect, so maybe u r also allowed to hv ur flaws * the problem is that such messages may cost huge life savings loses to some of those gullible suckers listing to u cuz u r quite persuasive with ur tone of talk
Ivan, do you remember the ethereum contracts for domain names a few years back? Where you bid on a domain name with eth, if you won the bid you own the domain. If you didn't win, you needed to execute a contract to have your eth returned to you. Somehow, I didn't execute properly and have a significant amount of eth tied up in a black hole somewhere. Can this diamond standard help retrieve this eth?
Hi Ivan!, Let`s talk Nervos (CKB coin), i think this looks interesting too.
Will the Reserve Bank of India be forced to pay compensation?
You have the channel with most solid content and it is surprising not more are viewing your videos. Keep it up though, it is great and I learn a lot. I have a question that you could perhaps answer later in one video; monetizing a social network like an app, FIAT or crypto? What is most attactive for conent creator? What doe they not understand about earning in crypto? Is the administration (taxes and banking) using crypto to creators easier than with FIAT?
Following yesterday selloff that sent Bitcoin down to lows of $8,700, the cryptocurrency’s buyers have been able to absorb the intense selling pressure and push BTC higher, with it finding some decent stability within the upper-$9,000 region. In the near-term, BTC does appear to be entering another fresh uptrend, as it is currently retesting the $10,000 region against the US dollars, However, making money from bitcoin is so delightful if you know your way around with a working strategy/daily signals as i have been doing with Payton Niles strategy/daily signals on Telgram @ paytontrades Last month i was able to accumulate and grow my 0.9btc to 7btc with payton’s daily signals which you would agree is a very good profits, i would say don't sell instead grow a very strong portfolio ahead of the Halving. Payton can be reach on WhatsApp +12098109432
for inquiries into profitable trading systems.
B U Y. B I T C O I N. N O W. ! ! !
I laugh at the old guys at the gym asking about bond yields! I tell them I am FOMOing into defi compound getting 8% and keeping my funds totally liquid
Ethereum Sucks so much. Diamond Hahahahah.
The Quants. Kind of like the Mentats.
Awesome content… i think your analysis are unconventional just kinda like a trading method i been using with one of the best crypto broker in the game, the current trend of HODLing currency for life from a financial point of view is the wrong strategy for profiting. There is a major difference between coins which can be based on professional advice held and currencies (cryptocurrency) and this is because most of them are hypes and highly speculative. I myself have made over €74,000 in the last few months day trading my BTC which I am sure would be a fantasy if I where HODLing. I used a trading system developed by Mr. Kipp and with his trade pattern and signals, I am aiming for greater highs. If you have any inquiries, you can reach him on cryptoworld141 @ gmailcom Telegram*** @Jonessmith14
Awesome content… i think your analysis are unconventional just kinda like a trading method i been using with one of the best crypto broker in the game, the current trend of HODLing currency for life from a financial point of view is the wrong strategy for profiting. There is a major difference between coins which can be based on professional advice held and currencies (cryptocurrency) and this is because most of them are hypes and highly speculative. I myself have made over €74,000 in the last few months day trading my BTC which I am sure would be a fantasy if I where HODLing. I used a trading system developed by Mr. Kipp and with his trade pattern and signals, I am aiming for greater highs. If you have any inquiries, you can reach him on cryptoworld141 @ gmailcom Telegram*** @Jonessmith14
whoever cuts your videos needs upgraded.
Great show as usual!!!! Thanks for doing a good job on bringing fundamental sentiment and TA together!!
BANG energy drink lol
Free bit coin
Straight up ( Electra Coin ) but Bidao is going to be huge guys ?
you're such a g
bitcoin drops below 8700 soon. short now and long with profit in 1-2months.
Jordan_y37 on IG helped me out and funded my btc wallet ..He's an expert and I strongly recommend ?
what do you think about koineks
People who do not think FED cannot pump the markets other ways than interest rates are naive. They can always print money and buy as much stocks as needed to pump the markets.
A double Cappucino !
I really enjoyed your stock market analysis and explanation of fiscal vs. monetary policy. Please keep it up.
Geat video as always Ivan! TACK!
I´ve been following you on LBRY. Can you make live videos there ? Maybe as it grows (helping them also grow
Hey Ivan. How many people that took your academy actually got a job working in crypto? You said thousands of people use the academy but only ever mention 2 people that used it.
It both of there fault i dont know much but when different party start playing the blam game it everybody fault
Drinking Peach Crown. Delicious stuff to keep Corona away. Stay 80 proof my friend.
black cold brew + bitcoin
I too am excited for this depression/ recession. I smell opportunity.
@ivan thank you !!! I have a disease i have to buy all the dip !!! In every market !!!
Most definitely lota's fault!
has anybody noticed thay Ivan on tech, seems to be cloning these posts : “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”- Oscar Wilde
Let's make Bitcoin billions
Wick down to 7.7 there’s an unfilled gap
13:50 Perfect material for some meme – Great Job Ivan, as always
I put creatine and black maca in my coffee.
Green tea is my drink today.