If bitcoin breaks this level, I am out due to a major trend reversal that could then take place. We explain in the video. #Bitcoin #BTC #AlessioRastani
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Great video thank you Alessio. I always get excited when a new video is uploaded as I always take away something valuable from your content.
Just dollar cost average and hodl. All this in and out nonsense gets 90 percent of yall losing money while 10 percent mostly the big fish make their gains lol.
I have severe brain damage, and had a super duper low IQ before that anyway. You are my hero. You make total sense. You are my peer.
Don't panic! If it drops buy a little more, like $20,or whatever. Time is on our side if you just hold. Don't even bother with all this trading jargon Don't forget, the turtle beat the hare!
Always doom and gloom with this guy. Just hold on tight and thank me in 2 years.
Holding isn’t easy. Btc will not an easy hold. Makes sense why it’s dropping. It will take time
Bitfinex repaid $100 million dollars to Tether, I heard. They'll likely do it again when BTC reaches another high and looks as if it would begin to moon.
BSV is Bitcoin do not get scammed by buying any other coin – Satoshi Nakomota is Craig S Wright chief scientist at NChain follow Coingeek and the Bitcoin Association for all the relevant upto date information for what is happening with BSV Bitcoin. Satoshi’s Vision ! Anything else is a scam ! No economy no Bitcoin ! BSV does micropayments and it works just as it was written in the white paper ! BTC is a pathetic scam !
Inverted head and shoulders
Classic clickbait.
0.682 Fib at $8,000 that would be a great buy. stop spreading FUD !!!!
BTC bounced of the 0.5 fib
you out below $8,300 = ridiculus you mean 'out' of you long trade … or out completely
your long term trend line is drawn wrong …..
i dont see a 9200 usd resistance!! someone please point out where i can see it!?!?! Thank you?
heeading back to mid 6000 level again.
Alessio – I have been a long time subscriber and I enjoy watching all your content as I prefer the way you express your views on the market and where is the market is probably going.
Over time I learn that Bitcoin has already had it's 1000x a long time ago and although I believe in the blockchain. I'm not one of those guys that believe Bitcoin would go to $200k on the next bull run?
Will it go to 200k+ most definitely yes, but not in the next bull run as the markets mature the small cap coins will have its 1-3000% gains on the next bull run. However we have no idea which ones would survive the test of time.
There's alot of garbage coins in the market. Lots of talking but nothing of real genuine use case.
This market is forever evolving and I have very excited to see what will happen in the next bull run as we continue the leg up.
bahahah sell low good strategy
bitcoin is scarce the dollar isn't. hold and forget!
Because Vaultoro only trades bitcoin and gold we see some interesting moves. Two weeks ago there was a lot of gold selling back to bitcoin but since corona deaths in the US and crypto bouncing down below the trend line you mentioned we are seeing people pile back into allocated gold. Interesting times.
I am so happy bitcoin is falling below 8k , i am opening champagne and buying in 1k a day …
Just hold dont let anyone buy your BTC, they WANT to buy it….cheap.
Weak hands.
Bitcoin will slice thru 8300 like it wasn't even there …
it has its sights on $2,750 ,, (believe it or not)
it will get liquidated like as a "STAMPEDE" of sellers trip over each other to get the HELL out.
Bitcoin is worth $20.00 and thats it .
Great i hope it falls… so i can buy more. im ok with people leaving bitcoin. Better fro me.. cause when you all come back it.. you push the price up giving me more money in my account.
We will hit 7700
I learn so much from watching your videos, thank you Alessio!
please all sell so i can buy cheap
Great TA, Alessio. I like your insights. Why am I just now getting this video alert if it’s from two days ago ??
Gold is NOT a store of value in Global Financial Crisis. It was neither during 07 crisis (it only did 150% at the end of the crisis, but lost as much as the stock market DURING the crisis. The nearest thing to compare Corona Virus to is the Spanish Flu 1918-1920. During this time the stock market lost 50%, as did gold. So despite us being on the cusp of a major financial crisis caused by Corona Virus. People are hopeful it will outperform gold and the stock market? … Hopeful optimism with no evidence. Yet many people are claiming bitcoin is a store of value. Bitcoin has not had a financial crisis to deal with. We don't have evidence to suggest it will. Seeing as Gold did not hold its value. What hope is there that bitcoin will?
Furthermore if you saw bitcoin sit in a trading range around 8-9k for 1 year and you saw the stock market lose 50%. Are you telling me you would not sell some btc for dirt cheap stocks? I certainly would.
Just one question for you Alessio. If you define that BTC has not entered a bear market yet. Many people would define a bear market in stocks as a loss of 20% from a peak. Would you agree with that terminology and how would you define a bear market for Bitcoin.
Crypto doing what crypto does best…sh!ting itself. No such thing as a "safe-haven" because EVERYTHING is rigged.
It's because of the black swan event. Things will be fine.
Then XRP has no hope at all haha.
I think the stock market chart is scarier than the BTC chart !!
8.5k gap filled in, now 7.4k comming…
Now we have found the bottom: 8445. BTC will going up from it. And ETH’s bottom is 209 and 220 is very strong support. Now we need find next high high.
Give me fiat or give me gold or you keep the digits and electronic code
Dutch tulip mania 1637=bitcoin 2020….. history warns us time and again against placing artificial value on worthless objects… if we’re going to use bitcoin as currency we may as well leave money in the past and start the barter system again. All you’re doing with bitcoin is trading since bitcoin has no apparent inherent value besides demand .
Thanks always Alessio