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totally irresponsible. Charts are bearish. Cycles are bearish. Astrology is bearish. Sell now and buy lower.
What is Bitcoin?
Ans: Zero Buyer Interest. 100% Manipulation
0.786 fib retracement
Long from 8800? Terrible entry.
Why do we have a "CME gap"? Do all crypto exchanges follow CME's price? Is it like an "official price"? Thank you for your time.
Why shouldnt big billionares hold the price deep with cashing out the gained money theyve invested in the last months to create a crash? Am I wrong with the opinion that btc will be limited to prices under 20k? The lower the marketcap is, the easier it is to create a crash or rising prices, so the billionareinvestors maingoal should be keeping the fxkn price down or not? So they can repeat it over and over again – i fear that bitcoin isnt resilient enough by the time, so they will keep it low as long as they can
Hello. I'm not an expert like you, but what I see right now at btc is a great opportunity for bitcoin to show real value. Stock market is falling. Bitcoin is ahead of halving, which should be favorable for growth.
This situation would make it very advantageous to have bitcoin proof to a whole world that does not believe in btc that it is really safe to haven like most pro btc claims. It has been 10 years since btc existed so far there has been no such crisis.
My vision is that it is an auspicious time for the holders to come together and stop trading in the short term. It should be clear to any holder that selling bitcoin at a low price is not worth it now.
We should capture this moment and realize that if we are all bullish and the price is slowly rising, the earnings will be far greater than the current ones. The whales should also take this moment and stop selling for a price.
In the long run, everyone would benefit and the entire financial economy based on borrowing and printing new money out of nothing would strike a blow. I hope that there is some revolutionary spirit in every holder that when this moment is over, this revolution must be played out and be part of it.
Selling bitcoin at lower prices of 20ma W is part of the game Donald Trump and stock market.
approx 30 dollar range means gap is closed sir
I had to watch this video again!
I needed a good laugh! The flute was atroshsish!
Zero! It will go to Zero! I Just bought some more
I’m trading with an expert trader and this makes me want to keep buying bitcoin more and more
Good bye bitcoin
Here's some juice brother. Not a Bloomberg fan but having Andrew (CRYPTO) Yang on the campaign trail with him would be a mega positive for Crypto… @t
So yall see te video of Justin Sun saying tron is a shitcoin? Hilarious, scam coin. Thought id share
Just chill and check back in ten years.
Dude your not for real are you? Your to much of a moon boy omg. BITCOIN is going Sub 1k Wait sorry shorters need more fuel , BUY MORE BITCOIN!!
everyone is freaking out, this is where you buy cheap btc
NOMNOMNOM…oh, I mean…EEEEEHHH! This is the end of BTC! You should all sell!
Here, I'm a nice guy, let me hold your bags. ???
Love the intro.
5:50 My order at 8550 was filled on Coinbase!
Why just hodl or sell when you can buy buy buy
Sell that obsolete prototype gahbage
Sunny your a wizard ……people buy buy buy ….keep up the good work Sunny ,
Buy and hodl and sell when you finally can retire in the future!
heres hoping for 3k buy the dip sell the rip
Was ist denn mit dir passieert? Ne lange Nacht gehabt… siehst schreklich aus! Wenns um Bitcoin geht, nimms dir nicht zu sehr zu Herzen… wird bald wieder
Мне нравятся ваши видео, помимо того, что они полны хорошей и точной информации, они очень интересны! Спасибо!
i'm freaking out right now
Always Hodl!!!
Time to buy?????????
Congrats with your 1 BTC profit Sunny! Nice trade.
Du bist so ein Spacken mit deiner Titanic Flöte! ? (Nett gemeint, ich musste so hart lachen!)
Personal opinion ….. once again ….. CME gap …… does not look too well ….. if you take a look at the daily ….. personal opinion …. once again ….. bullish …. personal opinion ….. bearish …. once again …. but that is it already
i bought the dip yesterday with my big salary. already a bit in profit
Love all the "hodlers" ..not many people take time to profread these days
all have a Big MAC
Still HODLING!!!
We are in Disbelief. Wall street cheat sheet. This is a suckers rally..
Time to buy more.
well is funny that cme gap is not fill i remember 19.feb on the bitstamp chart btc go to 10200 and the cme goes to 10500 and fill the gap. Now it stops wrihgt before 8575 and left the gap open wtf?!
7:03 PM
It did the exact same thing on the way up! I remember it went lower to fill this gap at about 8540 and stopped just above it and continue up..
7:03 PM
its 27.1.2020 at btstamp 8540 cme 8580
7:04 PM
the same gap
sunnys video series sequence: its over…, bitcoin to the moon…, everything its done we are going down…, to the moon goooo …, its over again.
History is showing us that This is just a Regular Corection….
Hi Sunny from Switzerland too, only newbies are freaking out now, old wolf know the market since 8-10 Years. I can tell you it's the very last time for buying so cheap crypto ! We are all buying now using all the credit available every month before the next waves, some of us got more than 500'000% return since entry point.
I love your videos, keep it going!
lol hahaha
One day closer to…. yall know the rest.