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Haahhahah thats why..i dont believe in this grypto for now
I Hate Binance Because He Has Hack A Youtuber With Bait Promotion :(.Rip Channel
too many ads. unfollowing
If something is truly manipulated, your Technical Analysis doesn't mean anything. Candle wicks don't mean anything with an orchestrated drop.
My concern is if there is more ransomware over time, governments will outlaw bitcoin and the exchanges eventually. Society cant have a system where criminals like that (or other governments might do the attack) are anonymous. Can you address this? I would otherwise be interested in bitcoin but this issue concerns me.
xi jing pin pump 42% green within 24 hrs also manipulation. It is normal in bitcoin. Only the big whale harvesting profit. If you upset or no happy with this type of move in cyrpto. You must be new. It will still happen in the future. On both side. I have witness btc up more than 10% within 20 min previously. When most people happy, they say btc undervalue for so long. Funny.
8,500 / BCH
8500 and sideways through March pump through April to the halving then pull back before going parabolic
This is all very true. 100% common sense. Ok so, say you are wealthy… then…. what about all the other manipulation most people willingly participate in when it comes to other areas of life? Such as chronic illness and terminal illness? If you have more than 100k to your name and get wiped out by a terminal medical diagnosis, then it should already be obvious that 90% of these people asked for it via their personal choices. IE Steve Jobs. For those who are not broke and get rekt like Steve when these health conditions have been defeated long ago in the 1960s by 3rd worlders, then do not cry why you fail to wake up without the possibility to cry due to being in another dimension. Fight me. I dare you.
def manipulation court cases should be piling up
Binance joined jp morgan, so don't be surprised!
Binance wants to compete with amazon AWS and google cloud and yet they are not able to be online at least 3 months
stop crying fomo guys
I bought on coinbase pro during the dump and it was up? I snagged it at 9.3k ish? Unless I'm missing something?
next leg up
Lol! You two are real funny…and cretinous!
Is there any idiot who want to buy btc more than 10k?
Price Prediction ……Any Price Whales Want To Take It To Up/Down side.ways even round corners Its There Choice ,there market ,Not Ours.
also whales most probs watch these channels and act in the opposite way to sentiment
honestly this looks like it will keep going lower. let's just accept that. keep your bitcoins. don't panic sell. it'll be back up eventually in weeks or months. everyone relax
Chris please display the praying hands to help BTC out. 48Hrs or less stay tuned guys…. ?
i don't know what to tell you guys. I was 100 percent online and watched that dump happen live…
Unregulated exchanges can dump the price anytime they want to liquidate the leveraged longs then pump it up and cash out some leveraged shorts. Great business model until the regulators come in.
I was thinking the same guys at the time it dropped and now I am watching your video ,wow, not possible just not possible we all by coincidence see the same scenario for this
what is the purpose tho for the manipulation????
can anyone explain???
this is good content
My favourite coin is SWTH
Normal correction in a bull market. No big deal.
Ultimately, it does not matter whether Bitcoin dumps to $8500.00 or not. Bitcoin in the long term is the only crypto currency that matters.