From Cave Paintings to Modern Smartphones

Most people don’t really appreciate how simple it is today to stay in contact with their loved ones. All you have to do is take your smartphone and choose one of …


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About the Author: BRIGHT SIDE


  1. When you talked about that uncomfortable swedish ancient mobile phone you sounded kinda… contempting? You just talked about how inconvenient it was to use without even acknoledging what an amazing thing they did there. We probably wouldn't have smartphones without those people developing the first ever mobile phone….

  2. when i was a kid in Illinois, we had a wall phone and shared the line with 3 other people. our ring was 2 shorts and 1 long. You needed central to connect you to your party. Next we got a cradle phone. our number was 317 which is my area code now in Indiana

  3. I had a PrimeCo and still do. Complete with charger.
    Disappointed that you didn't add the dates 1997, 2004 for flip phone era? First smart phone available , was about 2011… i have personally , kept all of my phones.

  4. Motorola, don't remember the model number, it was one of the first phones where you could use the small sim cards, before that you have to insert that credit card size card holder inside the phone. If anyone used a model like that..high five!

  5. First smartphone was bigger and expensive and then size was reduced as well as price and now size is increasing and price too. Good old day is coming back again. Hehehe

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