The Clone Wars is back for a seventh and final season, and the series immediately finds its groove despite being off the air for the better part of a decade.
The Clone Wars is back for a seventh and final season, and the series immediately finds its groove despite being off the air for the better part of a decade.
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Alright guys, someone has to start petition for the to make rest of the episodes, because this is going to be truly amazing.
Ig it's just cuz I was much younger when I used to watch clone wars but damn, the dialogue can be annoying especially with battle droids and especially "Wrecker". I also wish they actually made the battle droids a little more competent. Like how are we meant to believe that clones lose battles to battle droids when out of probably 200 battle droids, not one hit a clone ?
If they release weekly we’re in for a big wait
This is an episode that really makes you feel like Star Wars
What will happen to the bad batch during order 66 then? Any guesses please?
Son of Dathomir would have been so much better…
Wrecker is my favourite bad batch clone
8.0 WTF????!!!!
I am so glad we are getting a proper chance to end the show right
I'm confused but… is The Clone Wars still an alternate Universe series?
Was hoping to see more ahsoka, but I’m fine with more bro-force for now
i am pissed that they only release one episode a week… =-=
Friends: let's go out friday
Me, age 22: I have something very important to tend to
When’s the next episode can’t wait
Rebels didn't have stiff characters. All the new and returning characters were amazing and Id take all of those characters over the sequel trilogy characters 10 times out of 10
Truth be told I really hope we see Order 66 in this, but more in depth like the inside of the Jedi Temple while the Order is happening, and we get to see the Jedi that survived, how Rex, Gregor, and Wolf survived, and Jedi fighting and killing Clones to it's just a lot I want to see
That dude who plays the clones is a legend
Can't believe echo is alive
I'm so freaking hyped. Also… gives it an 8 yet gives no criticism
What has disney done? It's too cartoonish. Yeah I had no issues with the episode but the cartoonish effects was hurting my eyes,
Is it just me or is Jesse essentially Fives 2.0
This episode was too lighthearted. The war is coming to an end. This season should be really bleak.
Tech is my favorite by far.
Should have been a 9.
Not canon
IGN gives the Clone Wars an 8.
Me: "Someone didn't get the rank of Master."
i love how ign do a review on the first episode of the clone wars season 7, even they could've waited until the season or show officially ended then to a full review
I wish we could get something like this episode for Delta Squad
The wait is going to kill me but im going to wait for all episodes to release… i prefer watching it all at once especially the siege of mandalore arc
Theory: because of the bad batches personality differences, maybe they have that because they removed there chips, so they will help Jedi in order 66
Clone commando are awesome form up.
I swear I heard 4 episode structure
nothing new at all episode has been around for years
0:29 seems like something is missing
The bad batch low key annoys me.
Are all episodes available or is it released weekly? Don’t wanna spend 50 bucks for Disney +
can you please drop by my channel
Seriously wanted this so bad I'm so happy
This is like what Devil May Cry 5 felt like. Despite the very long gap between installments, it felt like the past seven years never happened. It felt like the series just kept going right after the Lost Missions.
Don't care, someone anyone make a complete 4k blu ray box set of the entire clone war's saga with season 7 included & I'll try to buy it.
Anakins returning lines: …………….. ………. ……………..
I want the old Animation back???
It is still beyond me, why they once again hade to remove Cody out of this story. They could have at least had him fight!
Think about all the people that died between the cancellation of the show and season 7… sad they never got to see this
It was a great start of Season 7.
Fast episode with fast vast action!