Onward is a terrifically entertaining tale filled with humor, heart, and allusions that are sure to delight fantasy fans. Set in a suburban fantasy world, Disney and …
Onward is a terrifically entertaining tale filled with humor, heart, and allusions that are sure to delight fantasy fans. Set in a suburban fantasy world, Disney and …
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This review has been updated since its original publish with added context regarding the official score.
Why did I think I was listening to Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) in his little bug form at the beginning?
I actually saw this movie in 2011 on netflix
Why not a 9/10 or even a 10/10 its a pixar movie tho
What if Shrek has feelings 2020
It gets a 7 despite being thoroughly enjoyable. They came up with this number because other Pixar movies are better. By that rationale, the cars movies should get 4s.
For real the main elf looks like the JUMANJI Actor
is this a review or a synopsis?
Am I the only one who feels not so excited to see this?
This movie looks like Dungeons and Dragons meets Weekend at Bernies.
I could tell by the trailer that this may have not been the best of Pixar. I’m still excited to see it. But I am more excited for Pixar’s other film this year, “Soul”.
This movie has looked mediocre since the first trailer. I’m glad IGN recognized that. The TRUE Pixar film, SOUL, releases later this year. That’s gonna be another top tier entry.
Sonic already whooped every other kids film.
The movie is referencing the producer, when he was 1 his dad died but later on when he was 16 him and his brother found a recorded tape of their dad saying "Hello and Goodbye". So it was a sad story but thats the point of this pixar film is to keeping moving forward no matter what is in your way, which in a way is my thought, but thats the point of pixar, is for you guys to figure it out on your own and see what it means to you
It doesn’t help that the trailers give the whole movie away ?
Thanks for the plot synopsis
HATE those character designs. I mean…wtf?? Blue monsters are hurting my eyes!
They ripped off the likenesses of Dan Soder and Big Jay Oakerson for their main characters
This movie looks artistically bankrupt
I still want to watch it. It looks amazing!
Ur problem was comparing it to some of the best animated movies of all time.
They gave it a 7 u can go about your life now
IGN so far this year:I’m thinking of a number between 1-10
I like how sonic got the same score had a Pixar movie
I forgot this movie existed
Cap here: I watched both this and the original upload. 3:30 onward is the new info you are looking for
You can't trust ign for anything they build it all up to be like a 9 and then they say but and drop it like it's hot
So basically it's the American version of full metal alchemist?
An IGN review giving context behind why the review score was chosen that’s a rare sight.
I still don’t rely on IGN reviews, I instead rely on the reviews made by my friends or family.
I am starting to lose faith in IGN reviews, its like you guys are trying to become stuck up hollywood critics of old, nitpicking at the dumbest things. Like the review of the Witcher? What happened to the IGN that were nerds like the community and could just say we liked this, if you like fantasy / cartoons/ pixar you will probably like this… but no we have to drag it down and critique something.