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Technical Analysis and Stock Market Profits
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
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#Bitcoin #BitcoinNews #BitcoinAnalysis
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For the past five years, Bitcoin has dumped by at least 15% beginning from mid-January, whereas this has been as high as 50% in the past. Should this happen for the sixth time in a row, Bitcoin could potentially fall to its lowest value since 2017. With that said, those with a keen eye might be able to turn a significant profit during this time by shorting the market and trading with a good strategy. Now Based on my personal experience, I will suggest trading with the strategy of a crypto expert like Morris Pierce. I have been copying his trade alerts for over two months now whereby increasing my portfolio from its initial 1.3 BTC to 10.5 BTC, and I didn't have to wait for the price of bitcoin to go up. All I do is trade daily with his signals and they're so effective and easy to use. Hodling is good but too risky…Trading should be your focus point as an investor and if you need guidance in trading profitably, reach out to Mr. Morris on Telergram @MorrisPierce be guided ?
Excellent TA. I also like the basic education. If everyone hasnt seen the education videos go have a look. You will also get an ample supply of expletives if they turn you on. Hallam in always suny Barbados. hallam_hope on twitter.
I'll know that something is very very wrong in the markets… When Krown records a whole video without saying mother fucker and bastards.
Bitcoin and Litecoin reward halving ‘supply shock’ coming down the track…??
Last ‘round of halvings’ signaled the beginnings of the 2015 – 2017 price surge!
Thank you.
Following yesterday selloff that sent Bitcoin down to lows of $9,500, the cryptocurrency’s buyers have been able to absorb the intense selling pressure and push BTC higher, with it finding some decent stability within the upper-$9,000 region. In the near-term, BTC does appear to be entering another fresh uptrend, as it is currently retesting the $10,000 region against the US dollars, as this shows how well the Bullish uprise is taking BTC to $12,000 as the next resistance area. However, making money from bitcoin is so delightful if you know your way around with a working strategy/daily signals as i have been doing with Ben Edward's strategy/daily signals. Last month i was able to accumulate and grow my 0.9btc to 7btc with Ben's daily signals which you would agree is a very good profits, i would say don't sell instead grow a very strong portfolio ahead of the Halving. Ben can be reach on Telgram @ Trader_247 for inquiries into profitable trading systems.
This video showed a ton of insight to your thought process. Really enjoyed this one.
Krown, your non financial advice is awesome, now if I will only listen to it. As a great man once said "Take my advice, don't listen to me"
Thanks Krown!!
thank you
What is the reason for sometimes using BTC as pairing instead of USD e.g. when looking at the Link/BTC chart?
Golden Cross Mania ! Is it a trap, will Bitcoin go to sub 3k levels next week ? Find out now on Krown's crypto cave;
Not sponsored by Bernie Sanders
Stave thanks for recommending CybercryptoTopup on IG him to me he just Top up my bitcoin few minutes ago
CybercryptoTopup on IG is the best if you want some bitcoin Top up he’s trustworthy and honest
Imagine buying at those weekend lows. Who's making that $$$? Booya, massive girthy green mamba dildos.
32:59 LMAO
Markets are open and going DOWN!?
What does it all meme?
If the economy tanks and markets crash, what happens to crypto?
Why is gold over 1600??
If you’re going to have a rear camera, can you shave your fucking back?
Keep up the good work krown ????????????
This weekend was sell off and manipulated markets. Thats why I stayed out this time. Now up we go again. See you at 12k in 2weeks
Thanks for putting ETH on my radar. An hour after I bought, it was up $12!
Can you add all your indicator settings to the app, will save you answering all the same question repeatedly.
I set a buy in at 9490 over the weekend nailed it perfectly thou level was respected! Seems to me like price action still bounces off with critical support and resistance even on the weekends. Love your videos man keep up the good work!
Nothing matters but the weekend good job I'm a weekend squirrel
See you at $8500, Gap Boys
Are there any actual financial advisers that give zero fucks and give financial advice about crypto on youtube? Always wondered that. Starts deep dive
But crown Bitcoin doesn't care about the weekend 24/7!!… that was in a crown voice too the crazy one?
3:37 The Nude Section? xD
Cryptostar Corp. V.CSTR
Need some Tezos love. Cheers Krown.
I went to Twitch and subscribed but it says the last video was 5 days ago? I'm confused.
Another Great Vid! – cheers
Hey Krown! I too trade levels by levels, just like Avicii..rip
lost 1 k min (just bybit and bitmex trading accnts) last week because of the weekend action so key learning for me, Friday night close them all or Saturday close eye on charts and tight stop loss – stupid mistake but live and learn and still at it . Krown good job lets pray for upside !
lmao at the thumbnail …all your graphics acutally
Well well well u nailed it again Krown !
Keep up the good job, and let us all in ya zone ??? peace my brother!