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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. Unbox Therapy is the best channel hands-down! "…and when no one was looking replaced his Later Case with it…" lmao love the lighthearted-ness of it all despite all the hate ?

  2. Wouldn't it make your charge time extremely slow because when it's plugged in it has to charge the phone as well as the watch or whatever other wireless device you place on it because now it has to split the current

  3. When you are more worried about the case more then when dropping your iPhone.

    Edit: Even if you have the money you should not buy that case, it’s a waste of money, and if you drop it then your doomed

  4. the wireless charging case by far is the best one of the three, most people want that versatility in a product so if they are on a business call its one less thing to bring for all your gadgets.. you can honestly bring a nice back up battery have your phone, watch or earbuds charging all from a simple case.. but honestly Samsung did this without a case ?‍♂️?


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