Trading Bitcoin w/ filbfilb – Paused at Daily 9 Sell, Now What?
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SAVE THE DATE! Unconfiscatable Feb/2020 Check it out: https://youtu.be/WOAreQ8Bdcs
Watching on replay? Watch my latest video here: http://bit.ly/2TlsHLj
https://ToneVays.com Events — Bitcoin: https://unconfiscatable.com/
Finance/Trading/Investing https://thefinancialsummit.com/
How to Use Bitcoin Tech: https://understandingbtc.com/
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Guest: Filbfilb https://twitter.com/filbfilb of https://www.tradingview.com/u/filbfilb/
You can subscribe at https://decentrader.com/
Tone Vays is available for Consulting, please see https://tonevays.com/consulting for more information
Audio Podcast:
Useful Educational Sites:
Full Node Set Up: https://bitcoin.org/en/full-node
Lightning Node Set Up: https://medium.com/lightning-power-users/windows-macos-lightning-network-284bd5034340
Mempool: https://dedi.jochen-hoenicke.de/queue/#1w
Useful Charts: http://charts.woobull.com/
Regulation overview in each state:
What is? : “Unconfiscatable Celebrity Poker Tournament 2020 (BITCOIN NOT BLOCKCHAIN)”
What do you think, how are you playing this?
Watching on replay? Watch my latest video here: http://bit.ly/2TlsHLj
? Subscribe so you don't miss the next one: http://bit.ly/2QKVDdV
Filb is a genius!
gd man stop talking let filb talk …. jeeeeesh
not letting him just explain shit makes me want to just close the video..
Filb is the man. Always amazing analysis.
loved this show, Filb knows his stuff! Would be great if you guys did this once a month, overview of the markets type regular show.
Oh……..something else, MANY THANKS, filbfilb!
filbfilb's a "Geordie".
Filb, thank you so much for your data and insights.
Awesome interview, I watched twice
Filb you’re too good for this idiots channel man.
You look so fucking yummy!
I had a strong coffee this morning but almost fall asleep at 3/4 of the way… wow you can never be insomniac these days with all the free “talk” shows. The secret is low variation in tone and pitch, flat sound with lots of repetition: bull, bull, bull…And sweet dreams…
shaved head and beard suits you. lookin good
Learned so much from you, thank you Filb.
the best understander of crypto named filbfilb!!
you should really work on your facilitation skills when hosting on your channel these guests. Come across arrogant and antagonising at time. which i think is not a bad thing but could be more professional in neutral stance?
I have learned so much of filbfilb. If your reading filb, thanks for putting your content out there free of charge. Much appreciated.
Filb Filb is the GOAT! Keep up the great work sir please
Love listening to tone trying not to be the bobo he is?
Sir. God. Messiah. King. In no particular order.
Filb is one of a kind,his track record speaks by itself
chootya kag raha hai tu andey
I can't even explain how much respect I have for filb filb . simply the best
60k that's it?
Have you yet addressed your incorrect prediction that Alt coins must crash and die before the new Bitcoin bull market starts?
Kul video tnx ???
I have been watching Tone for about two years now. This was the best show by far?
Tone you talk about selling indicators, and say "my" indicator. By that, do you mean TOM DEMARK's indicator, or have you developed one yourself?
Would love to see Krown back on your show again!
WOW, best cryptotraders. Full respect.
honestly tone the one time fee for your indicator is one of the best deals in my life.
Feels like a child trying to talk to a professor
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have FilbFilb on the show more often. He's truly one of the few who really understand this market and his calls have all been spot-on.
Who is the bigseller at finex?
Way to go Tone, I follow filbfilb with great enthusiasm – and you off course
the legend filbfilb always respect to you, I am big fan of your bitcoin chart