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Technical Analysis and Stock Market Profits
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
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While the bounce is encouraging a bullish reversal is likely still a way of bitcoin needs to close above $10,000 by the end of the month or we will likely have a bearish month to test new lows.bitcoin is too volatile and unpredictable tourely solely on just holding,that's why I trade daily with signals and strategies provided by Thomson calux trading platform.his Services are strong, efficient, accurate and precised.i have grown my portfolio from 2 BTC's to 18 BTC's trading with his signals. Accumulating and increasing your position while waiting for the bull run is a better option so it's only fair I encourage others to find a reliable and competent traders for maximum profitability especially now that there is a lot of despair in the space. Thomson calux trading platform can be reached on WhatsApp +17146432108 .for more enquires and assistance in crypto trading issues.
A trader with the right set of skills and experience makes way more than a hodler and that prompted me to go into an extensive research about bitcoin trading and how I could remain profitable always from the best performing digital asset of 2020. Bitcoin is on the verge of a great bull run which would see it beat it’s all time high price of $19,000 and this being said even hardcore hodlers will make profit that’s how great the asset is but my greatest and biggest asset in the crypto world is Allan Shaw who is a sophisticated trader and signal provider. I have been using his trade signals for 4 months now and on the average I grow my portfolio by at least 4 btc every month just by using his signals. I am so appreciative of him and cannot help but let others know about him. He can be reached on WhatsApp (+48 732121976) or Telegram (@allanshaw) for insight into his trading system.
Love your attempts at a shorter video, keep'em coming as they are, love it
9:49 This about sums it up ?
thank you very much ,)
Thank you for another great video Eric. Have so much fun checking out the northern lights. So awesome to see that you're this excited and your dream is coming true. I'm really happy for you!
Hair on point on that cointelegraph
the F#@%. hair indicator off the charts major break out incoming strap in hold on.shit getting real
Take a Green Dildo for the Team!! ??? Love your content man. Your an ADD Genius! ??
The recent correction saw bitcoin hit $9,000 briefly and now back at $8,800 resistance. This goes to show that the bulls are strong and now’s the best time to increase and accumulate your holdings not just through DCA but by trading strategically and making a consistent profit which is not far from what I am doing. I am currently trading with signals provided by James Long and I have grown my portfolio to 14 BTC from its initial 3 BTC in just 2 months. James is a competent and expert trader who is very knowledgeable in trading bitcoin and his precise signals give you good results in your trades. He can be reached+1(262) 843-5059 or Telegram @ jameslong241 for more crypto insights and inquiries.
Krown, do you use other than default inputs with the historical volatility percentile indicator? If you do, may I ask what they are? I rewatched the video in the TA course to see if maybe you went through it there. Mine looks different to yours. Thank you!
The only thing more annoying than moon boys are gap boys.
On another note thank you for being consistent with your no BS videos.
I’ve learned from watching you and have made many more profitable trades based off what I’ve been able to learn from you.
Kind of miss the shitcoin police but this new format is definitely solid.
Keep up the solid work! It’s much appreciated.
It might not go up or down – it might stay at these prices forever.
krown is vegita lol
Thx Krown…I fkd up yesterday and longed the break of 8750 on way too much lev..and then got stopped out with big loss. Risk management is my hardest
love to watch your vids everyday Krown ! Thank you!
You look like Coolio! ? "Been spendin most my life, livin in a crypto paradise"
You Rock Krown. Thanks bud.
looks like you got a hair cut with that machine on waynes world. looks good.
LOL the hair
Sounds like a new indicator needs to be made. Krown Air Travel. Waiting for his check-in as the indicator.
Bro im sorry to make fun of you. But you need a a new barber. Why did he not cut your top? Great analysis like always!
It looks like tin tin x10 ?
Anyone else think that Krown is looking more and more like Ruby Rhod every day? Thanks for the content man, you da best!
"Krown on an airplane indicator coming up" LMAO
Your the man, thanks for your time!!
krown would love to c more of ur live trades that was magical wasnt it
Krown hair juul strong buy signal. ALL IN BABY
We all had a meeting and happy to confirm that everyone that was annoyed by your commentary have left. Smooth sailing from here buddy! Gogo gadget dildos!
Looks at hair
Immediately resumes TA.
Me: Was that a Honey Badger??
Krown we need you on a plane so bitcoin pumps!
"Bitcoin has gone and fucked itself"
That's why I come to this channel.
Krown I have a mean comment…. Eat more chicken!
Youre all set up for a high top fade. A little product and a pick and you could get some proper shrubbery defying gravity up therrrr.
Loving these titles hahaahh ???
dude wtf is up with the hair? woah man looks like you got a haircut and made it worse. lol
I spy a flock of seagulls
When there is an equal chance to both sides, that's when most weak hands get rekt, because usually, it tests both sides of the range a few times. So, better in the long run for the bulls.
Your hair is bullish, so I go with that.
May the lights show you what you've always wanted to see; I have the same thing about the Southern Cross…one day
Good form my friend…good form,
You said we could break to the downside or the upside… what a moron!!!
Title: 9500
Thumbnail: 6500
hAHAha perfect!
Buy the breakout. Take profit. Rinse and repeat. Not financial advice
You have been great the last month. Truly impressive . Thank you for the real effort and for being a good person . I really mean that . You can feel the love for all man kind through your streams . You are of the light and it spreads. The world needs more people like you. Thank you
Hey Krown never commented before but have been watching you for about a year or so. Never miss a video now. I'm still not the best trader, but learning more and more every day. Really enjoy waking up and hearing your analysis every morning. Anyway just wanted to say I seriously appreciate your work. Looking forward to watching the Krown Trading App grow also. All the best! – Nevarian
Heyho, like always cool video. BTW is it possible to turn down the volume of your intro? I have to dial it down all the time and then raise it again once you start talking