Who knew pliers and a ratchet ring spanner are interchangeable. You had one job, and you fucked it up. Watch your poor performance, so you can learn from your mistakes. Oh and please stop popping up, we can cope without seeing you… Remaining anonymous has its benfits in your case.
How about you don't give an opinion on the tools, with your 3 useless zero to hero, bullshit. It means nothing, and you lost any credit you might have had. You haven't touched any of these tools. Number 1, is a gimmick and won't last, under powered, and offers no functionality for the bits used. Quick change or 2 tools would be faster after the first 2 of any job.
Who knew pliers and a ratchet ring spanner are interchangeable.
You had one job, and you fucked it up.
Watch your poor performance, so you can learn from your mistakes.
Oh and please stop popping up, we can cope without seeing you… Remaining anonymous has its benfits in your case.
How about you don't give an opinion on the tools, with your 3 useless zero to hero, bullshit. It means nothing, and you lost any credit you might have had. You haven't touched any of these tools. Number 1, is a gimmick and won't last, under powered, and offers no functionality for the bits used.
Quick change or 2 tools would be faster after the first 2 of any job.
All tools need me