Today We Play Path of the Warrior VR In Virtual Reality! Can We Win From The Futuristic Boss Using The Special Knife Storm? Let’s Find Out! ▷JOIN AS A …
Do you want to see more VR? Then LEAVE A LIKE on the video ? ? ?
Srsly its girls NOT MEN
Haha but why did you not ceap the axe ?
love this game
All of the bad guys are women??
Each stage there isa boss final stages is a casino stage
The one that like walks like a roller blade is called speed lightning!
James cane I pls have a shout out been fan sense 50k
I literally punched the like button and it worked!?
Dude can you stop getting people's genders wrong you call everyone dude or guy and those people with the roller skates are girls so on all the other videos about this game don't get them confused cuz I'm starting to hate it
This game is AWESOME!
Do you want to see more VR? Then LEAVE A LIKE on the video ? ? ?
Srsly its girls NOT MEN
Haha but why did you not ceap the axe ?
love this game
All of the bad guys are women??
Each stage there isa boss final stages is a casino stage
The one that like walks like a roller blade is called speed lightning!
James cane I pls have a shout out been fan sense 50k
I literally punched the like button and it worked!?
Dude can you stop getting people's genders wrong you call everyone dude or guy and those people with the roller skates are girls so on all the other videos about this game don't get them confused cuz I'm starting to hate it
Hi James
They are girls
Awesome video on awesome channel
I literally punched my phone ?
3:45 made this joke on Fynn's Video today | that necklace is bomb
I choked the like button
Hey James I wondering when you and Fynn where gonna do that collaboration?
i like the vids you make
and how you play the games
p.s can we please see some Swarmz
Hey i love your game ?
Hi James
hey james
I love your vr videos
I love yo vids
İ m not enterese tead
I just liked
Funny video
Hi can you subscribe to me
Cool good k
Does he have a turtle?
14th comment yeet