MOB ATTACKS ME IN VIRTUAL REALITY – Blades and Sorcery VR Mods (Update 7) I installed a new city map which was pretty interesting to see on Blade and …
Gather some brain cells and stop the nobody: and me: shit
There’s aa new map called “fort of toth’’ i believe, and it’s a really nice map with nice music and alot more! Also there’s a “fisher’s pistol pack’’ it has four pistols. Can you download them please and do a video about it?
AI deaths are so dramatic
My brain: umm…….
Me: what am I doing right now
Are you going to look at the new update on the outer rim mod?, it has the new Inquisitor lightsaber (spins too by holding A) and some new lightsabera
That pistol is called a luger
that sound that the frying pan makes is awesome
"Not realistic, the nambu didn't blow his hand off. 0/10 would never play again" -IGN
When he goes silent and violent when fighting.
Fudgy I love your videos every time I play blade and sorcery vr I wear your merch! I'm sorry I'm late!
Frying pan mod?
Play more starwars and many some Pokemon??
I love when you stab some one with the light saber
Is it mallet
Finally early to a video
Does anyone see the D formation after he drops the bow?
More Minecraft plz
i want to see more outer rim mod, i love those vids
That pistol looks like a 22 long rifle
Nice pozdrawiam z Polski ?
I’m glad you are slashing now because stabbing them and tossing them behind you was starting to become an old trick
yo Fudgy when r u going to play Unturned again?
Hi what is next on your Chanel
Fudgy love your vids
how do you get more abilities?
Fudgy can you do the spear combo only challenge
You must play Bonework
The namn on this game??
Pls post a video I've been wait ing all day
More broadly chat
Great video
Play a game name roblox
Where do you get all of your mods? I am getting the game, and I want to have a ton of fun. Also, are they free, or do you have to pay for the mods
Fudge you should use the force push on the spike pit map
Fudgy if you can add Magnet fishing on your Darkrp sever
please do more soon i
love this videos so so much you the best youtuber ever
In ur next Star Wars video try decapitations only. ?
Face reveal
Hanz get ze Luger
Fudgy says fight me but he's the one backing away
You should try breaking someone’s back Bane style
wow look like a ninja
You should try to wrestle with them, like making a tombstone piledriver
You had a Luger which is used by German Officers
Could you do more outer rim videos because they added a new lightsaber please!
4:51 it’s knock-off captain America
Gather some brain cells and stop the nobody: and me: shit
There’s aa new map called “fort of toth’’ i believe, and it’s a really nice map with nice music and alot more! Also there’s a “fisher’s pistol pack’’ it has four pistols. Can you download them please and do a video about it?
AI deaths are so dramatic
My brain: umm…….
Me: what am I doing right now
Are you going to look at the new update on the outer rim mod?, it has the new Inquisitor lightsaber (spins too by holding A) and some new lightsabera
That pistol is called a luger
that sound that the frying pan makes is awesome
"Not realistic, the nambu didn't blow his hand off. 0/10 would never play again"
When he goes silent and violent when fighting.
Fudgy I love your videos every time I play blade and sorcery vr I wear your merch! I'm sorry I'm late!
Frying pan mod?
Play more starwars and many some Pokemon??
I love when you stab some one with the light saber
Is it mallet
Finally early to a video
Does anyone see the D formation after he drops the bow?
More Minecraft plz
i want to see more outer rim mod, i love those vids
That pistol looks like a 22 long rifle
Nice pozdrawiam z Polski ?
I’m glad you are slashing now because stabbing them and tossing them behind you was starting to become an old trick
No One:
Not a soul:
Fudgy: MULLET where'd it go?