Creating THE INFINITY GAUNTLET To ESCAPE PRISON In Virtual Reality (Prison Boss VR Funny Gameplay) ProjectJamesify — January 8, 2020 41 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Can We Escape This Virtual Reality Prison By Creating The Infinity Gauntlet? Let’s Find Out In Prison Boss VR ▷JOIN AS A MEMBER! source camera phone free sharing upload video video phone Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Scams clickbaits classic you cant even make the infinity gantluet and he was in tutorial to create something else i remember it but forgot the name
James here is a challenge for you when the game by only selling cakes people please like my comment this is my first one but it is a good challenge
Leave a like on the video if you want to escape the VR prison! ?? ? ?
You suck that was not the infinity gauntlet you cat fished us!
Why are you so addicted to make infinity gauntlet vids
Microwave= crappy oven
James if you get 2million subscribers i will watch all your new videos i'm telling the truth
Awsome vid james
ya plz
You should try to poison the prison guards
Love your vids James and they always make me laugh and happy
Love ya James ur amazing
Hi do infinite paper video
Scams clickbaits classic you cant even make the infinity gantluet and he was in tutorial to create something else i remember it but forgot the name
Yay I'm early!
Are You Aloud To Give Them Apple Juice? That would be cool
Please play more growrilla
1,576th Person To Watch 174th To Like Btw Love Your Videos James
Dot dot poker dot
Your The best
I have it its my one of favourite
Congrats for 1milion subs!
James here is a challenge for you when the game by only selling cakes people please like my comment this is my first one but it is a good challenge
I dont know what to say Only wow and keep up the good videos on this year
plz play more of paint the town red
I'm kinda early.
Play more ragdol game
James make ??????
Try to make dinosaur in rick and morty
You are the best YouTuber!!!
I was the fourth but commentor I am 8th
If he gets 10k likes would he play rick and Morty makeing a biggest pickle Rick he’s ever done
That I super cool
Yeeee I’m early!!
Hi please goblive
Second like