Is Bitcoin is a Pyramid Scheme? According to LendingTree Chief Economist Tendayi Kapfidze, it is.
Article: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/economist-bitcoin-is-a-pyramid-scheme-204217615.html
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Article: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/economist-bitcoin-is-a-pyramid-scheme-204217615.html
The pimp is utterly mad
The guys doesn't know how bitcoin works if he thinks its a pyramid scheme. The US dollar is a pyramid scheme and I am sure he uses that.
Where did they find the clueless freckle guy? I would bet anything that he owns Bitcoin because he is afraid he is wrong, and he doesn't even know why he's wrong. There is an inner struggle within him, and the only losers are us for watching.
That bitcoin bear not only has a funny stupid face on , but he sounds like a fućkin buffoon
Uneducated all of them, they don't anything about BTC.
Lol "bitcoin is not blockchain", they are all clueless
The skeptic doesn't understand the necessity for the need for PoW to give it value on a real-world accounting ledger. If it costs $X real money to produce, then it has an associated real-world attributable value. THAT is the benefit of PoW over other minting mechanisms (if it ain't mined, then it has no real world value – sorry XRP).
05:47 euh whut? What about dividends, interest,…
I get that you're defending bitcoin and i don't agree with the ignorant guy on tv, but you – from your side – also seem to also ignore the facts…
06:00 really proces my point… You just ignore dividends and interests
You have such a nice voicz to listen to
Just remember the moment BTC is compromised completely it's over
limited supply, borderless transactions, safety of private keys and phrases so ability to carry millions of dollars with you wherever you go with no chance of money being taken from you,
Guy on the left probably doesn’t even know what utility means…let alone a Ponzi scheme. If he said bit-connect was one I would agree, but he’s just a non-believer when it comes to crypto as a whole.
The clueless one should talk to Andreas Antonopoulos :p
Bitcoin is a technological literacy test few can pass.
Bitcoin is a perpetuation of the old world order, fiat rich are the bitcoin rich…nothing new here
Holding bitcoin sucks…holding hex is better…digital gold that pays interest? Yes please!!
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Yeah, he didn't really bring any valid arguments, just this weak insistence that it hasn't shown anything in 10 years which you refuted with key points. I'm honestly not sure why anyone intelligent would expect things to change overnight especially when you're fighting against entrenched financial and government interests so it's obvious this guy is a shill.
USD is a Pyramide System bby ? ? haha this damn corruptMainstream suckers…. ? ? ?
Brilliant havnt heard that 1 in ages bottom must be in after all.?bring on 20K
"scheme" = no utility
He didnt say they buy it at a higher price he said you make money after orher people come in after you
As an investor or trader, the biggest objective remains to make good returns but a lot of people fall in love with their assets and thereby cloud their judgement on making the right calls especially with the quite persistent sideway movement experienced by the bitcoin lately. The crypto market from my experience provides so much more grounds for taking in good returns besides just Holding which i found out quickly especially after getting to know Brandon Gaston, a pro trader with a lot of experience. He has been my guide and meeting him prompted me to start trading BTC and within my first month with his signals, i had made profit of over 5 BTC, getting into the trade with just 2 BTC. Dedication of course is needed on your part as i had plenty of this. Brandon can be via Whatsaap (+1 3012760480 ) or Telegrm (@Bgaston) for crypto related assistance
this dude in the left has a face of someone who bought btc in 2017 highs at 19 k and probably rage quit crypto at 6k and now he knows btc begun a new cycle and he is out of the game. bad for him. a face of loser
No one wants to talk if bingo or casino is a scam. In crypto at least you have to make educated guesses. It's kinda like casino but only better.
They remind me of that 1994 Today morning show where Bryan Gumbel and other reporters were like 'what's internet?'
Btc is a Ponzi definitely, 3000usd in2020
Getting rid of the gold standard was the original pyramid scheme. Giving away the asset backed currency people used to depend on. Put us at the mercy of the FED and their market manipulation. Bitcoin is the Lone Ranger standing up to these corrupt financial systems keeping people subjected to their BS.
Bitcoin is a Greater Fool Theory.
WHY even promote this CRAP???
5:45 Actually not all investments have to be sold at a higher price to realize a profit.
Anything that cash flows can be "sold" at zero but since you held it a long time and it cash flowed, you profitted. Examples are dividend paying stocks, bonds, profitable businesses, and rental units.
But yeah, there are alot of legitimate assets out there where the whole idea is buy low and sell high. Not a scam.
I really think they put them up to it just to have something to say we all know Bitcoin is more than just that
why is this imbecile on tv??
The scam guy .. his brain is a scam .. go back to school scam brain
The pyramid scheme argument is horrible because everything is like a pyramid scheme.
It's not a scam, it's just the free market giving things value.
Just look at silver. Silver is a pyramid scheme that collapsed and may never come back in value.
The dollar itself is like a pyramid scheme that will eventually collapse.
Even housing crashes in value sometimes.
People who say bitcoin doesn’t have a use case just have no idea ?
If there is war in Iran there will probably be refugees. Those people need to carry their wealth to another country somehow. If they had bitcoin they could basically go to any country and not be dirt poor when they arrive. ?
Bitcoin could be bad….but it was not pyramid scheme ….how uneducated the guy was…
I had a similar conversation with a guy a couple of weeks ago. I was trying to educate a group of people on cryptocurrencies and he said it was a scam. Then I asked him why he thought it was a scam. He answered he was a lawyer and he had a bunch of clients that fell in a scam involving cryptocurrencies. Then I explained him that was not a cryptocurrencies problem, but the criminals explored both people's lack of information, ingenuity and greed, acting as a middle man between them and the assets. And he kept saying it was a scam and that was his oppinion about it, and he was willing to be the opposite voice in the group. Then I asked what was his current knowledge of cryptocurrencies. He replied: "none". Then, I lost my patience and told him if he was willing to be the opposite voice of something, he should educate himself about it. What surprises me is that he's an experienced lawyer, and gives advices to people for money. Bad advices, I guess.
Both guys are ignorant. More than anything their ignorance makes them say silly unimportant, irrelevant and incorrect things.
Calm down he was just giving his opinion which he is free to do and besides nobody has been actually that right about crypto & and I lost thousands of dollars with scam ICO'S & fake investment firms like bitconnect. So he's kind of right!
Obviously doesnt understand scarcity. The FED is worse than a pyramid scheme, its a cartel of private banks that rob everyone blind. They have govts as the enforcer stealing through taxation and then they print money to infintum causing the purchasing power of the money people worked for to become worthless. They're stealing everyone blind and enslaving populations
Everything has value if someone believes it has value. All Paper currency is only worth something because the Masses all believe it’s worth something. The only real money with intrinsic value is Gold and Bitcoin is Digital Gold in my opinion.
The douche on the left fomo’d at 20k..
This guy is ignorant!! ? he is def getting paid to spread the FUD. All Fake News.
"It's a scam" He sounded so clueless and offered nothing close to a semi-intelligent response. it's like he was reading a script because He forgot the words.