I hope you all had a good Christmas! Time to get back into the action in VR so remember to like and subscribe if you haven't already. What VR games would you like me to play?
Has anyone else noticed that the enemies kinda look like stormcloaks from skyrim
Leo:Fudgy, I want you to play the classics. Fudgy:What do you mean? Leo:You know the blades and stuff Fudgy:K (⌐■-■)
Play Some Assasins Creed Mod
Try the time stop mod
Epic underwear
Is there multiplayer blades and sorcery if there is u should do it with friends
Cool video fudgy. ??????. ??
Plz what ve do you use
Play with somebody like who helps you fudgy
Hey Fudgy please make more Star Wars Mod In Blade and sorcery OR Play More Of This Game
BTW I Love Ur Vids
Halo or COD 4
I love your videos and I have a idea:" Master Chief with light saber become the Sith's nightmare"
Fudgy plssssssssss play again escape from unturnov
I hate when your vids end because i like em so much
rec room
Try the crossbow and cannon mods.
Noice Do more epic movie style parts
What vr are you using?
That electric on the knife looks more like super heated plasma
I believe the lantern shields were created in 16th century Italy, though I may be wrong on the date.
What safe zone is your apartments in because it’s got all the shops people accutally use in unturned
"Where those shields are from" Short answer, they existed, but they were more of a novelty item, an attempt to produce a self defense weapon useable during nighttime. I've seen one in person, the shield is actually more of a gauntlet with a shield on, the gauntlet has also spikes on the knuckles the pertrude out front from the knuckles. It is not clear though if this attempt at a self defense weapon/Swiss army knife of a nightwatch tool ever saw any practical use, or was just a concept that didn't find actual deployment. As far as I read, it was more of a conversation piece someone ordered to show of wealth or add to his collection back in the day.
I hope you all had a good Christmas! Time to get back into the action in VR so remember to like and subscribe if you haven't already. What VR games would you like me to play?
Has anyone else noticed that the enemies kinda look like stormcloaks from skyrim
Leo:Fudgy, I want you to play the classics.
Fudgy:What do you mean?
Leo:You know the blades and stuff
Fudgy:K (⌐■-■)
Play Some Assasins Creed Mod
Try the time stop mod
Epic underwear
Is there multiplayer blades and sorcery if there is u should do it with friends
Cool video fudgy. ??????. ??
Plz what ve do you use
Play with somebody like who helps you fudgy
Hey Fudgy please make more Star Wars Mod In Blade and sorcery OR Play More Of This Game
BTW I Love Ur Vids
Halo or COD 4
I love your videos and I have a idea:" Master Chief with light saber become the Sith's nightmare"
Fudgy plssssssssss play again escape from unturnov
I hate when your vids end because i like em so much
rec room
Try the crossbow and cannon mods.
Noice Do more epic movie style parts
What vr are you using?
That electric on the knife looks more like super heated plasma
I believe the lantern shields were created in 16th century Italy, though I may be wrong on the date.
What safe zone is your apartments in because it’s got all the shops people accutally use in unturned
"Where those shields are from" Short answer, they existed, but they were more of a novelty item, an attempt to produce a self defense weapon useable during nighttime. I've seen one in person, the shield is actually more of a gauntlet with a shield on, the gauntlet has also spikes on the knuckles the pertrude out front from the knuckles. It is not clear though if this attempt at a self defense weapon/Swiss army knife of a nightwatch tool ever saw any practical use, or was just a concept that didn't find actual deployment. As far as I read, it was more of a conversation piece someone ordered to show of wealth or add to his collection back in the day.
Da guy at the start look worried ?
Play more starwars/outer rim mod
? if u agree
Spear goth efeckt of knockt
Amazing vids!
Gmod plz ????
Halo mods
I love your videos Fugy keep it up!
Play more g mod base build
5:40 girl enemy Ok, Boomer. Fudgy: misses
What VR do you use please answer