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About the Author: IGN


  1. it's really satisfying to know that the reviewer was hunted down by the AI and tormented/K.O'd hundreds of times leading to this rage quit rant. finally, I can say I like the alien <3

  2. How the hell can IGN give Alien Isolation anything other than 10/10??! Five years on and it's still one of the greatest games ever. And for the record, I feel like I'm one of the few who actually really enjoyed Aliens: Colonial Marines

  3. I wanted to try and buy this game, but before spending the money I decided to watch an IGN review on it. I thought the game was bad until I read through the comments. Even though IGN gave it a bad review, the comments helped me in the decision to buy this game. I’m about to start it, let’s hope it’s not as bad as they say it is, and let’s hope it’s a favorite.

  4. This is an awesome game. Love the intensity of the game, ( playing it on medium) the noises all around you, the movements of Ripley, the dark atmosphere, the all around graphics and you can actually feel your heart pounding as you peek around the corner. 8.0 for me

  5. ign "I got killed for the upteenth time, when I was out of sight in an airduct"

    Also ign (Holds loudass motiontracker thats making loudass sounds like a dumbass right next to the alien)

  6. the comments of IGNs shenmue 3 review brought me here, as it was just as ridiculous! and seriously..this game too hard on hard? he probably never played ninja gaiden or never got through the tutorial level lol….. the AI too smart…. yeah… AI will take over humanity, starting with the IGN staff

  7. To me this is the 2nd best game of this gen, even better than The Witcher, RE 2 remake or RE 7 (which was slightly better than the remake because im full of those plots where some Umbrella worker injects the virus on him/herself and aims to conquer all world and rule humanity while having 3rd arm with gkant eyeball growing from stomach…

    This gen's TOP-3:

    1st: RDR 2, 2nd: THIS, 3rd: DOOM (2016).

    I do not apologize.

  8. 1. This games AI is amazing

    2. Alien isolation scared the shoot out of me again and again even when I was nearly at the end

    I don’t understand what’s wrong with ign sometimes but reviews like this are just idiotic

  9. Normally I don't take IGN reviews as personally as everyone else does, but in this case, I'm TRIGGERED. It's sad when you type "Alien Isolation Review" this is the first thing that comes up. Definitely one of their worst reviews. This is probably my favorite horror game of all time.

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