Some of our favorite films likely would’ve been over in a few minutes if they took place today. For this list, we’re taking a look at conflicts in movies that easily …
Some of our favorite films likely would’ve been over in a few minutes if they took place today. For this list, we’re taking a look at conflicts in movies that easily …
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Out of ideas?
Jurassic Park
Top 10 Movie Plots WatchMojo Would Ruin
"Nobody has to die with smart phones, just call the authorities"…and there's no signal and I'm out of data/battery
i like
Jingle All the way would be “solved” by the services of eBay and Amazon it doesn’t really require a smartphone and also it doesn’t even ACTUALLY solve anything because 3 years ago Hatchimals were sold out everywhere even online the only place you COULD get them was eBay for like 5 times the price
Still wanna know what Kevin's father does for a living to afford that house.
Polaroid cameras still exist. In fact, professional photographers actually much prefer using those kind of cameras rather than digital because the photos tend to turn out so much better.
Top 10 things that should have happened on Pretty Little Liars.
The only way for phone to go into old movies is for the phone service to be t mobile so it won't work anyway
yeah that’s why so many of recently made movies are set in the 80’s – 90’s – 00’s
Hey guys!! super happy to hear that the yt rewind team collaborated with you guys for rewind 2019??
Actualy I disagree with “Blair Witch Project” it’s very possible that there might not have been any service in those wood. Meaning no phone calls, and no GPS. In my opinion the movie would have still played out the same.
The most ok boomer video yet
Okay boomer
I still have a landline phone I feel old and i'm only 25
better than 2019 rewind
Dr. Strangelove?! You mean recalling Major Kong's bomber after the CRM-114 was knocked out? Because I guaran-damned-tee nobody's got a cell phone turned on while in "nuclear combat, toe-to-toe with the Russkies".
Maybe when Group Captain Mandrake is trying to call Washington and doesn't have enough change, but by that time the CRM-114 is already broken and Kong's plane can't be recalled. Kong get through regardless and will drop his bomb–smartphone or not–and the Doomsday Device takes care of everything else.
smartphones don't work in the forest anyway, by running out of power, or signal range.
I forget the name of the director, but he only makes movies set in the 1970's to purposefully avoid allowing people to have cell phones.
Wow, it's almost like if you set movies in the future their plots wouldn't work. It would have been a lot easier for people who died of the plague to not die if they loved today and had medicine.
I knew this video was going to ruined my childhood!!! Lol
Yo7 could do a top 10 on what movies cannot exist with post 9/11 airport security. Home Alone 2 post 9/11 he CANNOT get on the plane until his ticket is scanned
Also in Home Alone Kevin could just walk to the store and inform the adults he was home alone and needing for them to inform the authorities but instead he decided to go shopping and when that creepy old man scared him he ran off the pharmacy without paying that toothbrush and believed himself a criminal so he wouldn't open the door when the police showed up at his house, good for the plot but not very real.
A smart phone wouldn't have helped in Blair Witch since there wouldn't be cell service or any way to keep a phone charged for days that deep in the woods.
Miracle Mile should have been on the list!
I’m getting YouTube Rewind Vibes
Every movie in the 90s
Also mostly every episode of SeinFeld