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Bitcoin ended November on a negative note. A monthly close below $8,300 could yield a deeper drop in December, according to a popular analyst. The hourly chart continues to call a move higher to $7,800–$8,200 then a bull reversal would be confirmed on the three-day chart. Acceptance below $6,515 would invalidate the bullish hammer candle seen on the three-day chart and invite stronger selling pressure nothing is guaranteed in the crypto space mainly due to the highly volatile and unpredictable nature of bitcoin. As an investor accumulating and increasing our position should be the trend. I am increasing my portfolio daily through trading though am not a smart trader I trade with signals provided by Caleb Easterby. His signals are precise, accurate, easy to understand and implement in your trades and I have grown my portfolio from 2 BTC to 6 BTC in just two weeks of applying them. Caleb can be contacted on WhatsApp ( +31 635250332) or Telegram (@Easterby) for his assistance on all crypto related issues.
Thanks for this video! Very good content
bitcoin hasnt been consistent so i take profits from pumping signals. recent $data coin 1000% profit is cus of them. https://discord.gg/J53efY5
Ripto……. Fuck that shit. So tired about the entire space. Stop calling it asset class. I just short every upward move and its so easy to make money. Its more like a huge money hunting machine that playes with the hope and dreams of the poor people. Btc is just killing all of them. Btc did nothing good since 10 years. It always was a tool for weird and strange things. Nothing has changed so far. Thats why FUCK this shit.
Just like last year with a higher bottom. Hopefully .. well December good time to buy
BAKKT is shorting via cash settled futures. Its a price suppression shorting machine. Bye bye longs
Thank you, I'm a long term holder and it is always hard to see the prices drop like it has been doing recently. I haven't put more money into it than I can afford to lose and honestly it is just a dream that I could earn a lot of money on my crypto investments and retire early. If it doesn't work out I'm not going to be broke over it and I'll continue working every day like I do now, but if I could retire in the next 5-10 years that would be awesome. I do appreciate videos like this though because it does make me nervous seeing the prices drop like this even though I haven't put more into it than I can afford to lose.
My last purchase was in the $6,000-$7,000 range right before the quick dip to $3,500. I’ve hodl’d since, and it might be time to put a little back in.
This year is a maneuver to increase the sale of money by small investors to ensure that large investors can buy in bulk, keeping the masses out of business and guaranteeing wealth for the few. These maneuvers have been repeated for years. Create terror and crisis to force the poor to sell and the rich to buy cheaply, same thing as the real estate market
Just bought some cheap Bitcoin ?
P2P trading is still allowed in China
Of course what did you expect with that fake pump from few weeks back. I will buy again on 1k
2000 usd is were bitcoin is going, thank me later
Only one coin this is F.E.D.coin
Bitcoin Isn’t Down Because of China, It’s Down Because You Don’t Need It…
This is another way a small group of people cashed in on a great idea that will never work in real life in this way.You have to see BTC as another Roulette or Black Jack table to lure people in to make bets on a computer code. Why not ? Promise big gains like in a lottery , get rich overnight will always attract the crowd. Crypto will come , but the State wants to control it. FB /Libra is the biggest threat to the Monatary System and I doubt that it will suceed unless the State has full control.
I earned $25 instantly after I signed up here!
5000 by end of year.
Im still holding some I bought in 2012
I am wondering how come , that ideas of Bitcoin value can reach the very high , investors talking about 10 of thousands, why not just 10 000 for ever
Datadash is a scam be careful
Always great to see your videos in contrast with all the hype channels immediately jumping on these bigger drops declaring Bitcoin is dead. Really like the way you show the bigger picture!
You are the only one that knows what he's talking about…all others are complete morons.
Dont giving sunny decree credits?
Don’t bet what you can’t afford to lose. That’s all you need to know.
Crypto currency balance tracker.
You can try it if you want.
He was joking about the tweet. Read what is in the parentheses.
'I care about you guys, I really do' shilled his subscribers PRL and SUBSTRATUM.
Can you show your holdings at some point?
Waiting near $5400
Quit throwing in your 2 cents. Toss in your 277 satoshis, so future viewers will understand what you're talking about.
Bakkt will Destroyed BTC soon
No rules based system, no trading. Otherwise your just taking pot shots. If people want to do that, all good, but you'll lose your cash and stress the hell out of yourself.
Lowcap gem BCZ BitcoinCZ bitcoincz.org is trading around 0.15$ right now. With circulating supply of 2.5M its a must buy. Ongoing listing on Hotbit and P2PB2B. This coin has so much potential with great, dedicated devs, amazing tech and marketing going on ! Jump on the boat !
It's interesting that there are "investors" whose real-life mood is tied to BTC's price.
When the price goes down, crypto YT channels and forums turn into fucking support groups.
These people shouldn't be "investing".