Respawn Entertainment’s foray into the Star Wars universe balances Force powers with tough difficulty to make the best Jedi game in years.
Respawn Entertainment’s foray into the Star Wars universe balances Force powers with tough difficulty to make the best Jedi game in years.
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CAMERON MONAGHAN WOO! Fucking love this dude
EA good job Man ! Brings back memories
omg is this cameron monaghan???? my bby
Said it once , I'll say it again , Gamespot are ass when it comes to matching a review to it's score.
Is it just me or do the graphics look like theyre made of clay. on another note, well done to EA… for now
Reminds me of Ratchet & Clank with the robot on your back
I want EA to make more games like this ??
I had no doubt that Respawn would make their first star wars game an excellent one.
"This is not the Gallagher you're looking for…"
Well EA…..you finally pulled it off…..now bring back Dead Space
What is the point of a light saber if it does the exact same thing a standard metal sword does?
How much of this game involves micro transactions?
We were all worried about Fallen Order when we should've been worried about Pokemon: Sw & Sh ?
But hes a ginger man….cmon on
so, the male lead cant be a sith lord ?? only become a jedi knight only ?? 🙁
not gonna lie, im waiting for an open world bounty hunter game. but this looks dope too
Gamespot is so much better than ign.
vader is the last boss in fallen order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This review is way too spoilery!! Wtf
I hope the story is good, if not this is nothing mroe than a mindless beat em up with extra steps.
Really weird way to promote the next Apex legend
I'm kinda interested but Jedi are kinda meant to be overpowered in some aspects. I guess I'm just salty we will probably never get force unleashed 3. :/
Is that the guy from shameless? He's hot
See EA. I won’t preorder your games, I wait until I see if it’s good or not. Now you have my purchase. But it’s because you let Respawn do what they’re best at and ended up making a solid game it seems. Wasn’t excited for this game, but now I’m pumped. Downloading now!
Let Respawn make Titanfall 3!
I’ve never played any souls games, I find this game pretty friggin difficult…
Well the staff saber was just spoiled along with some costumes for the character… Wtf
Just need character creator…or atleast be able to change that red hair.
EasySouls like? I'm in
Respawn just made this game so media outlets can trot out the cliche 'the Dark Souls of Star Wars games'.
I feel so weird playing as the dude from shameless. Ive sewn every season so I feel like I'm playing as Ian who went and became a jedi in some alternate reality.
20 hours… I think I’ll wait for a price drop.
Yeah, I'm buying it ♡
believable my ass … a Jedi having trouble against Stormtroopers lawlz
bring back kotor!
damn, THANK YOU RESPAWN, for not letting star wars go down in flames! im gonna buy this game right away
I already quit playing. I don’t want to play tomb raider and that’s what this is
Ok whoever wrote that last sentence: I bow my lightsaber to you.
Him being an Oder 66 survivor when he was a child is a badass backstory.
Lol when gamespot actually reviews the game and not mentions one bit that the protagonist is a “ginger”, unlike IGN
Honestly, 20 hours seems pretty good for a Story-driven AAA game ?
Ea for now on keep letting ur devs take time us Star Wars fans don’t want it rushed trust me we will spend hella on ur GOOD games this goes for battlefront as well u can improve on it still don’t give up on Star Wars titles good job on this game ???
Would have been better with amy hennig
Ok i might get this
Remember Star Wars Episode III Limb Cutting? I remember.
Holy shit…They did it!!..
Why was this scored an 8? Been playing it and it really feels more like a 9. Like wtf?
holly fuck well….. its time to play it,
It ok.. I wouldn't say good, but better than more recent ones. As you go through it feels very processed..as in "oh look to get through the first part I need slow time which I just happen to have" and I like a story and all but jeez unskippable cut scenes are half the game.
The lightsaber battles looks amazing for once